How to Best Network in 2013 – What Speakers Can Do After a Networking Event : Networking 2.0 Style

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Blog Better Boston Conference.
MITX Awards
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at MITX Awards.

Welcome back and welcome to the final post.

Missed the last three posts? Check it out!

Part 1 Networking Summary, What Speakers Can Do Before, and What Speakers Can Do During

Note: If you are interested in learning more tips and resources make sure to signup for the upcoming Networking 2.0 Book and subscribe to this blog.

(You’ll need to be up to speed in order to finish the series with this final post, so start at part one and work your way to part four.)

So now that you know how to effectively network before and during the event, you may be asking yourself, “what more is left for me to do? How else can I network”

Well let me tell you, networking never stops.

In fact, the more you continue to leverage your networking skills, the better.

That’s why it is important to continue to network both online and offline, even after the event is over.


Here are just a few tips that can help

Music 2.0: Tools + Tech
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Music 2.0: Tools + Tech for Musicians, Marketers + Managers.


  • Thank everyone for for their time and feedback via twitter using the event hashtag. Also let them know of upcoming blog post.
  • Share the slides and leverage to get additional feedback and rating from your talk.
  • Create a blog post summary of your talk with a link to
  • Take the best twitter comments favorite them and use them as testimonials within your blog post. You can also easily embed each testimonial tweet which mentions the persons name and Twitter handle.
  • Share via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc the blog post summary


  • Host a book signing and/or tweetup right after your talk.
  • Make time to take pictures of audience and people you have meet afterwards
  • Have your business card with your name and contact info available to stay connected.

These few and simple tips will help you to stay connected to the people you have met at the networking event.

And that is very important.

Why? Because if you stay connected, it will be easier for you to find your next event that best suits you and to find an event organizer.

Awesome huh?

So we hope these tips throughout the series have made networking and connecting a breeze for you.

And now that we have given you all the tips on how to network before, during and after an event, you can put them to into real use!

Let us know how they work out for you by leaving you comments below!

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