For sponsors

As someone that is responsible for marketing and brand awareness at your company, you know the value of sponsorship can bring.  But with the rising costs of sponsorship, how can you ensure that you get the most value for you money?

BostonTweetUp can ensure you:
  • are seen by your audience at all stages of the event
  • your audience engages with you
  • weed out costly upselling vs quality opportunities for branding at events
  • measure your ROI from events
  • systematically and efficiently follow up on leads before they are lost
Planning a sponsorship is time consuming and tedious – yet the rewards are high. Partnering with event specialists helps deliver ROI from sponsorship, pleasing everyone from your audience, clients and board members!

Contact us for more information on these services.

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Boston Tweetup is an event planning & promotional service and provides a calendar on networking, social media, entrepreneurs and calendar events in the Boston area. We aggregate tweetups and look for other networking events that honesty help connect people.