Weekly Newsletter June 18 – 24

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

BostonTweetup Weekly Newsletter: Seth Godin, 10k, Instagram and More

This week in events! There are almost 30 events this week including 3 tweetups! This is a great week for networking. We gained our 10,000th community member on the Twitters, yes the Twitters.

As usual we highlight 1-2 a day, so that you are not overwhelmed with too many events, and link back to the BostonTweetUp calendar for all the rest.

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Short URL: http://bit.ly/BTUn618

Note: We understand the Newsletter doesn’t render correctly, we are working with Mailchimp to resolve. However they are closed for the weekend, so here is a link to their version of the BostonTweetUp newsletter.






BostonTweetUp is a new media networking resource center. We help individuals and brands best connect with each other via new media.



Microsoft New England Research & Development Center Logo

The Boston Globe Logo

Boston.com Logo

TweeTee Logo

Kimpton Hotel Logo

Urban Legend Logo

Engage121 Logo

Exclusive Deals

$20 off of your first Uber trip which is basically a free trip within downtown Boston and is perfect for going to or leaving a tweetup/networking event. Uber is your on-demand private driver. Use Code BostonTweetUp when signing up.

50% off for the first 10 people that register for the Jun 28 ULS Boston event using code: BostonTweetUp

Get $260 off July 16 HostingCon use code : BostonTweetUp2012

Contact Us if want to offer an exclusive deal to our community

Testimonial of the WeekMike Bruny meets Seth Godin

The first time I met Seth Godin, he not only knew my name but more importantly he knew about my brand “Thanks Joselin for helping me to make each tweet count and building my brand at the same time.” M Bruny

Want the similar results contact us for details.

As Seen in
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Weekly Newsletter

June 18 – 24

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Que Pasa?

First, Happy Fathers Day to all those Dads that are part of the BostonTweetUp Community!

It’s almost officially summer and things are starting to heat up networking-wise.

There are almost 30 networking events this week!

Note for all the new subscribers: we will only highlight 1-2 events a day in this newsletter and provide a link to the BostonTweetUp Calendar for the rest of the events we promote.

We tend showcase tweetups and networking events that leverage twitter to get the word out about their events. For more info about how we select the events we promote please visit our FAQ.

Note for event organizers: this week we also noted which event registration pages stood out. Hint: If setup your event registration page similar to the one’s we highlight below, we will most likely promote your event in a future newsletter.

Things are also heating up on The Twitters, yes The Twitters ;-), as this week we surpassed 10,000 community members. (I’m not a big fan of the word followers as we are working to build a community here @BostonTweetUp!)

We asked our community, what we should reward our 10,000th member. Patrick, who quickly recognized that he was the 10,000th, humbly suggested we should reward someone else.

I love Patrick’s response!

It’s the essence of what BostonTweetUp is all about, which is to showcase others vs ourselves. Patrick won a signed copy of Twitter of Dummies (written by our MegaTweetUp partners Laura Fitton and Leslie Poston) not that he will need it, but it makes a great gift. 😉

Finally, here’s a list of our past newsletters in case you missed them. In the past we spoke about one of the best mobile business card scanners /networking app on the market, one of the best networking t-shirt companies, and one of the best event summary tools, just to name a few things.

Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you at a tweetup / Networking 2.0 event soon!

This Week’s Events

M T W ThF S( <- Click on links to go directly to section )

Note: Tweetups are in red
Nontweetups are in green

Monday June 18


Boston, MA

Bullhorn Live 2012 – Tweetup – #BHLive
Rock out with other “social” Bullhorn Live 2012 attendees at Boston’s Hard Rock Cafe for drinks, conversation and (the part that makes it a “tweetup”) tweeting.
Organizers Note: This is a nicely designed eventbrite page. Notice the custom URL, branding, even free links to ebooks, courses, blogs, etc. Very clean design.
Cost All: Free *Please note: the Bullhorn Live 2012 Tweetup is ONLY for Bullhorn Live attendees and speakers.
Hashtag: #BHLive12

More Mon Events

Tuesday June 19


Boston, MA

Unofficial BIO 2012 Tweetup
BIO 2012 is rapidly approaching…so we might as well lock in a Tweetup. Set aside some time Tuesday evening and join us…cash bar, good food…looking forward to seeing you all there!
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #Bio2012



Boston, MA

BWP June Open Mixer + A Surprise Announcement!
At Open Mixers, we ask you what you offer to the business world and you tell us what resources you need. From there, we get down to business helping each other! If this is your first time at our Mixer, read this review for an idea of how we’re different than other networking events. We’ll be announcing a new BWP program that we’re sure will make an immediate impact on Boston’s startup and innovation economy!
Cost All: $11.54
Hashtag: #BWP

More Tue Events

Wednesday June 20


Brookline, MA

#BCSM Tweet-up before Pink Ribbons Inc Screening
There is a special screening of “Pink Ribbons, Inc” at the Coolidge Corner Theatre on June 20th at 7 p.m. Alicia Staley is planning to meet with folks at the Regal Beagle – which is right next to the theatre – at 6 pm for a pre-movie #BCSM tweetup!
Cost All: Free *To purchase tickets for the movie, please go to the Coolidge Corner website
Hashtag: #BCSM


Boston, MA

BostonEco Summer Networking
BostonEco invites you to an evening of local food tasting and networking to celebrate the official first day of Summer. Meet eco-minded professionals who are passionate about healthy, sustainable living while enjoying tastes of Summer inspired foods and beverages from the Boston and New England area. Come learn about what’s happening in the local food and global green scene.
Organizers Note: This is another nicely designed eventbrite page. Notice the custom URL, branding, even free links to social profiles, past events and logos or sponsors and partners.
Cost All: $16.37 *Advance registration is required. Sorry, no on-site registration.
Hashtag: #BostonEco

More Wed Events

Thursday June 21


Cambridge, MA

Venture Café Alpha
Venture Café is for entrepreneurs, innovators, and investors who want to meet other like-minded people, with an eye toward making things happen, engaging in meaningful work, and getting involved in new, exciting projects.
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #vencaf


Newburyport, MA

Northshore Web Geeks
No speakers, but we will still be meeting for cold beverages and stimulating conversation about the web industry. So take a break from your summer activities and join us for our unique brand of NSWG fun!
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #nswg

More Thr Events

Friday June 22


Waltham, MA

Innovation Conversations for Early Risers
Innovation Breakfast events are open networking events — no RSVPs, buy your own coffee and breakfast, introduce yourself and start networking.
Cost All: Free *Buy your own coffee and breakfast
Hashtag: #InnoBrkfst

More Fri Events

Saturday June 23


Boston, MA

Instagramers Boston Meetup – Instameet, Scavenger Photo Hunt & Photowalk
Please join us for the first ‘Instagramers Boston’ event! We will start off with a meet and greet at 2:00PM, followed by a fun and challenging photo scavenger hunt in the vicinity of the park and finally a 1.6 mile photowalk from Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park to the Boston Public Garden. After the event, the best 5 images tagged to the event’s hashtag will be selected and featured to a public Instagram vote in the @igersboston feed where the winner will win a $50.00 iTunes or Google Play store Gift Card.
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #IgersBos

More Sat Events

-Joselin Mane & BostonTweetUp Team


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