Top 5 Social Media Tips Organizers Should Do Before a Networking Event

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Boston CreativeMornings

Planning an event is a lot of work huh? I know. There’s a lot of pressure on you. Pressure to find a venue, pressure to get people to attend and have a great experience, and pressure to have an overall great turn in events.

So let me help you make this process much easier on you.

Kick*ass Cupcakes
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Kick*ass Cupcakes Happy Hour

Today we will be reviewing and discussing two things:

1) How you can effectively leverage Networking 2.0 skills into successfully organizing any of your events and

2) Why it is important that you know how to network via social media.

So as the first post of a four part series we will be over viewing how we here, at BostonTweetUp, are going to be guiding you through that process (with helpful tips to use before, during and after) so that you can successfully organize any event that may come your way.

So, why is Networking 2.0 essential when it comes to organizing and planning your event?

Note: Networking 2.0 is essentially the combination of the best practices of traditional offline networking with those of the new online social networking. (If you want to know about Networking 2.0, our co-founder @JoselinMane has a book for you)

Well for starters, it can help you effectively negotiate and find:

      • Venues
      • Service Providers
      • Sponsors
      • Speakers
      • Partners

Organizing an event takes time, thought and effort, but if we stick together through this four part series and follow the networking tips, I can guarantee that planning and preparing for your event and laying out the foundation for it, will come much easier for you.

So now you may be asking yourself: “Why does Networking 2.0 even matter to me, as an organizer?”

Well since you are the person actually putting the event together, understand Networking 2.0 and how it works can provide you with a bunch of benefits.

Benefits like:

      • how to get proper participation from the community
      • how to find the right sponsors
      • how to find the best venue that suits your event
      • how to get feedback on your event before, during and after the event
      • and much much more

And Networking 2.0 can help you do just that!

It can make the process of finding all of the components that go into event planning a far less tedious task.

Why? Because if you know how to properly utilize networking offline and via social media platforms, you will know where to find these people, how to reach out to them, and how to get them to attend your event.

So if you are an organizer for any type of event, whether it is charity, seminar, or product launching event, learning how to leverage networking 2.0 can help you save time between planning the event and actually doing the work for it.

How cool is that? Better networking, less time, easier organizing.

In the meantime if you want to learn about why Networking 2.0 is essential, in any case, just read How to Best Network in 2013: Networking 2.0 Style Part 1.

Until next time! Oh, and don’t be afraid to leave your thoughts, feedback or any questions you may have on the comments below. They are always welcome.

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