2013 has finally begun, and we have survived and made it through 2012 without the world coming to an end.
It is a new year, and with a new year comes a new beginning. This year we, the team at BostonTweetUp, hope to help you enhance your networking 2.0* skills in order to support and assist you in becoming more successful than you were in 2012.
Networking 2.0 is essentially the combination of the best practices of traditional offline networking with those of the new online social online networking. (If you want to know about Networking 2.0, our co-founder @JoselinMane has a book for you)
Ok, I know developing effective networking skills may seem really hard at first, but not to worry, this is a process we can all learn together. In just a short time, when you have this technique down pat, you will be able to effortlessly enhance your offline experiences via your online social networking efforts.
“But why is this important?” you might ask. Well for starters, when you learn how to properly utilize these networking 2.0 skills, you will automatically become more marketable and gain access to more opportunities.
Now isn’t that a great way to start off the year!?
First things first, before you do anything you will need to develop a game plan and set some S.M.A.R.T.** goals.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals are goals that are:
- Specific
- Measureable
- Attainable
- Relevent
- Time-bond
This requires some time and thinking, but it is essential in progressing from where you are now to where you want to be.
Ask yourself: who am I Now? and more importantly: Who do I want to be and/or become?
One question that can help answer the questions of who you want to be is:
“If money were no object what would you be passionate to work on”?
Once you have this figured out, we can start to maximize your online profile and begin to build and frame this information in order to best represent you.
Note: This part of the process is all about YOU, so really take time and think about it.
Remember, your online profile will define who you are offline.
If you are prepared, 2013 will be a year that will hold new and exciting opportunities for you!
We are here to help, so we created two packages:
- Are you new (0 to 1 year) to Online Networking/Social Media or not effectively leveraging it? Contact us about our Networking 2.0 Starter Pack. This is a custom program that gives you everything you need to immediately leverage both online and offline networking. (Packs start at $25 Contact us for more info. Review our testimonials)
- Are you seeking a Major Career Change in 2013? Contact us about our Networking 2.0 Advanced Pack. This custom program reviews your online persona and provides you with a step-by-step guide and a personal coach to help you gain immediate recognition in your desired career. (Packs start at $75, Contact us for more info. Review our testimonials)
So brace yourself for the New Year and for some new and fun learning
This is the first post in a 4 part Networking 2.0 series in which I will be discussing how to properly utilize important tips that you can use before, during and after networking events.
Now don’t be afraid to comment with any thoughts or helpful tips that you use, I won’t bite. The best 2 comments gets their choice of one of the packages listed above. This is a learning experience and I hope we can all teach each other a thing or two.
This will be fun!
Until next week, take a look at the 3 phases of networking success infographic which we will be further reviewing.
Source: iheartinspiration.com via Lauren on Pinterest
Short URL: http://bit.ly/BTUNGP1