How to Best Network in 2013 – What Speakers Can Do Before a Networking Event : Networking 2.0 Style

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Creative Mornings Boston


The is part 2 of our 4 part series on Networking 2.0 benefits for Event Speakers. If you happened to miss the first post or need a reminder, don’t worry, you can easily review How Networking 2.0 Can Benefit Event Speakers – Part 1

Now if you read part 1, then welcome back! What did you think of the first post? Was there anything in particular you found interesting? Or is there anything you want to answers to in this second post?

Boston CreativeMornings
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Boston CreativeMornings with Darin Hager.

In our last post we reviewed what we were going to be discussing in the following three posts. So today we’re going to into the much deeper details.

Topic of this post: What you, as a Speaker, can do before an event, to leverage your networking skills online and offline.

Well the main thing to remember here is that you need to keep your audience engaged, interacting and networking with you at all times and there are ways you can do this both online and offline.

So let’s talk about what you can do online:

Red Sox TweetUp
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at #RedSoxTweetUp Aug 1 2012
  • Make sure you update your online profiles: Twitter and Linkdin
  • Create a SlideShare account so that you can embed your slides and share them with your audience. You can actually get at least 4 sources of online traffic from SlideShare 1) From the slideshare community 2) From embedding it on your website 3) from embedding it on your speakerrate page* 4) sharing on social media sites like Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Google+ etc. *The advantage of embedding the slideshare presentation on your speaker rate page is that you can also get your talk rated in exchange for you providing your attendees with access to your talk. Keep in mind that even though you are uploading your presentation before the talk, I would recommend sharing it after you speak so that everyone shares in the information at the same time.
  • Make sure to include your Twitter handle on each slide, either on the bottom left or bottom right.
  • Create Tweetable slides that contain tweets on what it is you are talking about.
  • Create an available hashtag for the event to incorporate in your slide. This will keep people engaging with you and your topic. This will make it easier for people to promote you and what you have to offer.
  • Set up or other URL shortening links so that you include at the very end of your presentation, to direct people back to your main website, your spreakerrate page, etc.
Extreme Website Makeover Event
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Extreme Website Makeover .

Now, for what you can do offline:

  • Prepare your business cards so that you can hand these out to attendees. This is a good way to get your name out there and to give your audience a takeaway. You want them to remember who you are and how you can be reached. **Bonus: Make specialized card for your talk with links to your presentation/speakerrate page
  • If you are video recording your event, make sure to set up a partnership with someone so that they can video record you as you speak.
  • If you are using a voice recorder, make sure to test your recorder. This way you can avoid any technical difficulties.
  • If you have any special packages to offer your audience, for example, any products you might want to give out, make sure to display them up before the event begins.

How’s that sound?

Did I miss anything out? Are there any other tips that you have used int he past that have worked for you?

Let us know with a comment below! We’d love to chat and hear from you!

Until next time where we talk about what you do during the event.

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