EdTechUp BostonTweetUp Review


November 15th from 6:30-8:30pm Marissa Lowman organized the 9th Ed Tech Up with two guest speakers from the Department of Homeland Security that discussed cyber security at the Space with a Soul venue and sponsored by Magners.

What is it?

Every since March of this year, Marissa Lowman has been hosting a monthly event called EdTechUp, an event bringing together educators and entrepreneurs. Marissa founded EdTechUp when she noticed that the educational community and entrepreneurs weren’t connecting. Fortunately she knew many in both communities which made it easier for her to grow the EdTechUp community.

EdTechUp is an example of what an ideal tweetup should be, an event organized to bring together like minded people. In this particular case, Marissa is connecting two communities, the educational community and the entrepreneurial community.

Where is it?

After hosting the event at several locations Marissa selected Space with a Soul for her last 3 events. Space with a soul is a great place to host your non-profit event. Their vision is to “create a shared space in which all nonprofits, regardless of mission, can come together and share knowledge, follow best practices, and experiment to find innovative ways to solve problems.”

Who will be there?

Various entrepreneurs and those in the education space that are working to make the educational process easier and or better.

Why should you go?

If you are in Educator and have an idea that will help the educational system and are not sure how to build a solution. If you are an entrepreneur working on a project for the educational sector and want some feedback on it.

More information:

Registration: Registration need


For more info http://edtechup.com/

Short URL : http://bit.ly/BTUrETU