Dean Elmore’s Summer TweetUp #1 – A BostonTweetUp Review

BU Tweetup

BU TweetupDean Elmore of Boston University held his first of two Summer TweetUp on Monday June 25th at Allston’s Tavern in the Square from 8pm until midnight. The TweetUp is organized by Dean Elmore and the Dean of Students office to reconnect with the BU and Boston area friends alike.

Who is Dean Elmore?

If you don’t know Dean Elmore, you need to follow him on Twitter, @DeanElmore, and come out to his next TweetUp! Dean Kenn Elmore is the Dean of Students at Boston University well-known on the Twittersphere with his tweets from in and around Boston. Lately he has been taking some great photos and sharing them on Instagram as well. He is well-known in the BU community as an approachable and friendly dean who believes in the power of social media and bringing the community together.

What happened at the event?

The event was very successful in bringing the community together – not just the Boston University community but a variety group of people who just love to meet people in Boston who are passionate about social media, having an impact and/or education. People were gathered in small groups discussing the latest industry news to documentaries oh psychology and education (talk about a variety)!

Event Takeaway:

  • Little Hashtag Fun: The hashtag for the event was #SO02134, which some people had a little hard time catching on “what was that again..? 2..3? 1..2..4. what?” but the meaning behind the hashtag was definitely as trendy as Dean Elmore’s bow tie. #So02134 meant ‘So Allston’ (the zip code is 02134) which is where the event was held in. Tavern in the Square in Allston, known as TITS to the BU community is the perfect place to have an event for the BU community and indeed ‘so Allston.’
  • Great Food: The event and the venue did a great job of organizing a wide range of food from chicken fingers, pizza to cheese and crackers. Food came out fast, was refiled quickly and of course, yummy.
  • Working the Crowd: This really depends on the type of person and how comfortable the host is but Dean Elmore is well-known for being able to talk and connect with anyone and everyone. The hosts of the events were making sure to introduce people to each other which can be very helpful for shy networkers especially if it is their first time at an event full of people that know each other already.

It was definitely a fun event. Many people came out despite the thunderstorm and stayed until very late. Definitely keep a look out for the next one happening in July. Sign up for our newsletter and check our calendar out for many other great events like this in Boston. Hope to meet you at an event soon!

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Dean Elmore’s Summer TweetUp #1 – A BostonTweetUp Review

Dean Elmore’s Summer TweetUp #1 A BostonTweetUp Review Full Review on Website

Storified by · Mon, Jul 02 2012 13:53:41

Complete Review:

Dean Elmore’s Summer TweetUp #1 – A BostonTweetUp ReviewDean Elmore of Boston University held his first of two Summer TweetUp on Monday June 25th at Allston’s Tavern in the Square from 8pm unti…


Kenn Elmore (@DeanElmore) on TwitterSign up for Twitter to follow Kenn Elmore (@DeanElmore). Kenn Elmore, Boston University’s Dean of Students. Musing about life in and arou…
Kat Hasenauer (@sportsgirlkat) on TwitterSign up for Twitter to follow Kat Hasenauer (@sportsgirlkat). Assistant at #BU. Occasional sports writer. Social media devotee. Rochester…
Alison Weltman (@alisonluarie) on TwitterSign up for Twitter to follow Alison Weltman (@alisonluarie). #BU junior studying public relations whose natural state is caffeinated. Li…


TONIGHT: 8PM #So02134 @DeanElmore’s Summer #TweetUp hosted by @tavernsqallston @alisonluarie @sportsgirlkatBostonTweetUp
.@DeanElmore’s Tweet Up at Tavern In The Square Allston is at 8pm! If you haven’t RSVPed but still want to attend, let me know! #so02134.Kat Hasenauer
Head to Tavern in the Square for @DeanElmore ‘s Summer Tweetup tonight to reconnect with BU and Boston-area friends
Looking forward to catching up w/ my fellow #terriers tonight @DeanElmore’s summer #TweetUp. #so02134NaEun Park
This should be interesting: @DeanElmore’s first #TweetUp & it’s right across from the @influencersAT office #So02134Spencer Bramson
For those of you that are going to @DeanElmore’s summer #Tweetup, looks like the hashtag for the event is #so02134! Start connecting!NaEun Park
So who’s going to @DeanElmore’s #TweetUp at @tavernsqallston right now? Tweet it up! #So02134NaEun Park

During the Event:

Tweetup! Stoked to be here 🙂 #so02134 (@ Tavern in the Square Allston w/ @teaganrae) Troelstrup
Here at the #so02134 @DeanElmore Tweetup at Tavern In the Square Allston! See you all soon!Kat Hasenauer
Dean Elmore tweet up! #so02134 (@ Tavern in the Square Allston w/ 6 others) Rae
Almost at #so02134. Can’t wait to see you, @DeanElmore.Jason Kaplan
@TavernAllston drinking a Tavern IPA in the Tavern, redunantly awesome #SO02134Miles Greene
Just talked minor league #mlb with @sportsgirlkat #so02134Thomas A. Kelley
#so02134 (@ Tavern in the Square Allston w/ @mister_wang @teaganrae @sportsgirlkat @mchadoaboutryan) Wilcox
@veromaria30 TweetUp is going down! #SO02134Miles Greene
Talking about @foursquare at #so02134 with @teaganrae and @nananapark #winNicole Troelstrup
"This @tavernallston can’t handle me right now." – @MilesGreezy #so02134Alison Weltman
@JohnBattaglino @DeanElmore how’s this tweet up I am more than fashionably late to?Alex Whittemore
@solworth where are you? This is the perfect chance to give out some business cards! #SO02134Miles Greene
The lights are getting low + sexy at this tweetup #so02134Nicole Troelstrup
@DeanElmore My best friend @adybasurto turned 21 today and can’t wait for the tweetup. #buyheradrankFrank Macri
RT @Mister_Wang: Listening to @DeanElmore and @crwilcox argue about the @girlsHBO season finale.Chris Wilcox
Listening to @DeanElmore and @crwilcox argue about the @girlsHBO season finale.Kevin Wang
What a night in Allston, Nothing like great food, people, and the Dean! #so02134Alex Valdovinos
@MilesGreezy @veromaria30 you should double date with my margherita pizza and me at Tweetups more often #so02134Alison Weltman


People are starting to arrive at @DeanElmore’s first summer Tweetup! #so02134 Weltman
Rain at the #so02134 Kaplan


RT @ValerieHeruska: Thanks @sportsgirlkat and the #DOS team for organizing last night’s Tweetup. So.Much.Fun. :-)Montez Paschall
@nickolene indeed great meeting you too have a great trip back to Philly Let’s connect when you get back @nananaparkJoselin Mane
@JoselinMane Great meeting you and the awesome @nananapark at #TweetUp! Thanks for the good conversation and support. #BUNicole Henninger
@nickolene Very nice meeting you too! 🙂 Looking forward to check @projectmailbox out next time I’m on campus! #DGiCNaEun Park
@nananapark Great meeting you last night! Thanks for the @projectmailbox support! #DGiCNicole Henninger
Thanks for the awesome #TweetUp last night, @DeanElmore & the crew @alisonluarie @sportsgirlkat! 😉 #So02134NaEun Park
@MontezPaschall Very nice meeting you last night at #So02134! Not to be a creep but saw on ur LinkedIn that we have the same bday. Awesome!NaEun Park
@nananapark Glad you enjoyed it- hope you can join us again in July! #so02134Alison Weltman
Lovely meeting you last night at #so02134 @alisonluarieTeagan Rae
Belated thanks for all who came to @DeanElmore’s first summer #Tweetup last night and to @tavernallston for hosting! #so02134Alison Weltman
@teaganrae Great meeting you too! Keep an ear out for another #Tweetup in July #so02134Alison Weltman