Weekly Newsletter June 25 – July 1

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

Are you enjoying this summer heat?

Well things are heating up for us too, here @BostonTweetUp, as we will be rolling out some things that will make your life a lot easier when it comes to connecting with people in and around Boston.

We will announce one in this newsletter and keep you posted on the rest as they become available.

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BostonTweetUp is a new media networking resource center. We help individuals and brands best connect with each other via new media.

MegaTweetUp Sponsors

Microsoft New England Research & Development Center Logo

The Boston Globe Logo

Boston.com Logo

TweeTee Logo

Kimpton Hotel Logo

Urban Legend Logo

Engage121 Logo

Exclusive Deals

$20 off of your first Uber trip which is basically a free trip within downtown Boston and is perfect for going to or leaving a tweetup/networking event. Uber is your on-demand private driver. Use Code BostonTweetUp when signing up.

50% off for the first 10 people that register for the Jun 28 ULS Boston event using code: BostonTweetUp

Get $260 off July 16 HostingCon use code : BostonTweetUp2012

Contact Us if want to offer an exclusive deal to our community

Upcoming Events

Event Reviews


  • #ISiteBos Amazing photo album and several event takeaways!
  • #BCSM A special screening of Pink Ribbons, Inc. Tweetup. Learn what “Pink-washing” is and what it has to do with cancer. Also learn how to combine a Tweetchat with a Tweetup.
  • @DigitalRendezv #Meetup 3 Event Takeaways that teach you how to make the most out of any event. Also a bonus venue tip on how to handle a broken A/C – social media style


Testimonial of the Week

The tweet that we composed together during your Twitter for Business Workshop got the attention of the biggest name in my industry. He has over 59k followers is now following!@DrMariePasinski (777 followers)

So it doesn’t matter how many followers you have. If you know how to effectively communicate on twitter you can connect with almost anyone. For similar results contact us

As Seen in
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In Case You Missed It

Weekly Newsletter

June 25 – July 1

BostonTweetUp Foursquare BostonTweetUp Pinterest Account BostonTweetUp Google + Page

Que Pasa?

Are you enjoying this summer heat?

Well things are heating up for us too, here @BostonTweetUp, as we will be rolling out some things that will make your life a lot easier when it comes to connecting with people in and around Boston.

We will announce one in this newsletter and keep you posted on the rest as they become available.

As we mentioned a little while ago, we have been working on a new calendar. And today, exclusively to our newsletter subscribers, we will be given you access to it.

Now it’s still in beta but fully functional.

There are many reasons why we decided to integrate this new calendar, but the top reason is that it will let you know about the events you are most interested in as soon as they become available! So instead of becoming aware of all the events that we add to the calendar you will now be able to choose from about 20 categories. So essentially you can subscribe to as many or as little event categories as you like!

New Calendar Layout
New event page layout
All the event links below point to the new event pages and calendar.We will still have the Google calendar available and it will be up for a while until we completely optimize the new calendar. Once we do completely migrate, we will provide you with a guide on how to get the most out of the new calendar.Please let us know what you think!

Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you at a tweetup / Networking 2.0 event soon!

This Week’s Events

M T W Th F Su ( <- Click on links to go directly to section )

Note: Tweetups are in red
Nontweetups are in green

Monday June 25


Boston, MA

Dean Elmore’s Summer TweetUp #1 #So02134
Kenn Elmore and the Dean of Students office will be hosting two summer Tweet-ups to reconnect with our BU and Boston area friends alike!
Cost All: Free *Please note: We will have some snacks provided, but any beverages are on your own.
Hashtag: #So02134

More Mon Events

Tuesday June 26


Boston, MA

Business Model Generation Meetup
Meet other Boston/Cambridge members interested in business model generation. Whether you’re an absolute beginner learning the ropes or a business tycoon with the next billion dollar startup, you are welcome to come out to exchange ideas, network with each other, and have a good time.
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #BizModelGen


More Tue Events

Wednesday June 27


Cambridge, MA

#Innobeer Boston!
We will talk about innovation, creativity, engineering and possibly also big data, semiotic analysis and the Red Sox. If anyone’s interested, some of us will then go downstairs to the Lizard Lounge to see Dennis Brennan, who starts at 9:30. Cover for Dennis Brennan is $7 in advance.
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #InnoBeer


Cambridge, MA

Tech Cocktail Sessions Boston – Harnessing The Power of Your Network to Build Your Startup
Sessions, Tech Cocktail’s new speaker series, brings the experiences of successful entrepreneurs to you so you can learn to succeed yourself and learn lessons for your startup. Hear their stories in their own words and ask them your questions in an intimate setting. This month they’ll focus on the importance of relationships to your ventures.
Cost Student: $11.$24 Early Bird: $16.37 Standard: $26.62
Hashtag: #BostonTech

More Wed Events

Thursday June 28


Sudbury, MA

#SudburySocial TweetUp
The purpose of this networking event is to bring together business people, marketers and professionals who live or work in Sudbury and the surrounding communities who want to meet others from the area and learn more about such social media communications tools as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs.
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #SudburySocial


Cambridge, MA

Investor Feedback Forum and Pitch Showdown (Boston)
Ultra Light Startups brings together the world’s most innovative technology entrepreneurs, in monthly events and accompanying online communities. Events feature pitching, networking and interactive, moderated panel discussions with leading industry experts.
Cost All: Early Bird $10.80 Last Minute $21.05 Note: 50% off for the first 10 people that register for the Jun 28 ULS Boston event using code: BostonTweetUp
Hashtag: #ULSBoston?

More Thr Events

Friday June 29


Waltham, MA

Innovation Conversations for Early Risers
Innovation Breakfast events are open networking events — no RSVPs, buy your own coffee and breakfast, introduce yourself and start networking.
Cost All: Free *Buy your own coffee and breakfast
Hashtag: #InnoBrkfst

More Fri Events

Saturday June 30


Boston, MA

Mashable Social Media Day – Boston
To celebrate Mashable’s third annual Social Media Day, join us in Boston on Saturday, June 30th for an afternoon of guest speakers, networking, and drinks.
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #smdayBOS

More Sat Events

Sunday July 1


Boston, MA

Boston Media Makers – Wear a hat!
If you are interested in meeting people who are working with audio and video on the web, this is a great meeting to attend. We get podcasters, videobloggers, filmmakers, artists, writers, PR and social media people. Everyone is welcome.
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #BMM

More Sun Events

-Joselin Mane & BostonTweetUp Team


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