ENET’s Business Incubators and Co-Working Space Expo


• Who are you what do you do: Christina Inge, founder, Sleek Marketing University, Vice-Chair, Boston ENET
• What’s the Name of your event: Boston Incubators and Accelerators Expo
• Who is the event for: Startups looking to take it to the next level by finding the ideal space to grow their idea
• Organizers: Christina Inge
• Do you leverage Social media at all to promote before during and/or after: Twitter, both paid and organic, LinkedIn, and Facebook
• Event Hashtag: #EXPO
• Event Frequency: 1x/year for expo, but both Sleek and ENET have events 2x/month
• Whens next event: February 11: Is Your Business Idea a Good One? with Ian Cross: https://ideatesting.eventbrite.com and Digital Marketing: Many Options, But Where to Go? February 16: http://www.boston-enet.org/event-2017618
• Registration (how do people register meetup/eventbrite/other provide link): Please see two links above
• Venue (is there a set venue or do you alternate): We alternate NERD, Constant Contact for ENET, Impact HUB for Sleek
• Where can people go to find out more information about event: Registration links
• What’s your event goal: Help founders build the essential skills to grow their business, in an efficient way, from people like them who’ve done it before
• Anything you would like to add about your event: We’re focused on founders who are really serious about taking it to the next level–those who are ready to go beyond their idea, ready to gain traction, and are committed to making an impact