Welcome back organizers,
By now you’ve probably prepared everything for the event and now it’s showtime! It’s time for you to make this event the most memorable experience for event networkers. So how can you do that?
There are various different and unique things you can do during the event that will have your guests laughing and excited about it. And to help you out, we will highlight five unique things you can do during an event, to make your event the most memorable. It’s going to be easy and fun.
Let’s get started:

Open House ISITE Design Invades Fort Point Channel: Open House Party #isitebos
Setting up a photo booth is an easy and fun way to give the guests something to remember the event by. Almost everyone likes taking pictures, so why not give them a photo they can take home with them. Who knows, they can then potentially share this photo across multiple social media platforms and earn your event even more exposure. Photo booths are also an exciting way to get guests interacting and connecting with one another.

Red carpets are a fun way to get guests interacting and socializing as well. It will make everyone feel like a star and more than likely, boast their confidence at the event. Doing things like this will make your event stand out and be more fun. Be creative and think outside of the box. Do things during the event that will amp up the attendees and that will make your event different from everyone else’s. Doing things like having a photo booths and a red carpet is also a great take away and something to remember your event by. It’s fun, quirky and it works!

Welcome signs will direct your guests and will give them something fun to look at while waiting in line. It’s also an easy way to spark up conversation between event networking guests. You can get real creative and do something other than “Welcome, Event This Way,” by making a sign that is specifically tailored to your event (like the photo above). Creative signs that will catch the guest’s attention and that will give them something to interact and talk about.

This is one of those things that we wish more event organizers would do because it’s quite simple, not very time consuming, and beneficial to all. Presenting and featuring the event speaker’s, sponsor’s or venue’s contact information and twitter handles during the event, makes it that much more easier for everyone to connect. This will allow networkers to engage and connect with event participants during and after the event.

Try something non traditional like a white board. Guests will get excited to sign their names and to leave their comments and/or feedback. This is a great way to see who attended your event and what they thought about it, and a great way for the guests to see who else is there at the event with them. So instead of having a guest book that only you can see, have a guest book for everyone to see and sign! This can get everyone interacting and introducing themselves to one another.
Have a team member live blog the event this is a great way to share and relive the experience. You can share this blog on your website or across social media platforms to raise awareness and increase visibility for your event. Guests will love it and will more than likely view it knowing that they are in it. It will also allow the people who couldn’t make it to the event, to experience it over the internet, so no one is missing out on your event!
So next time you have an event to plan think of one of these tips to help you out. Then leave us a comment below and let us know which tip(s) worked for you.
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