Weekly Newsletter June 11 – 17

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

BostonTweetup Weekly Newsletter: Social Media, Authors and Tech Club the Gathering

This week in events! Here are some of the events that we recommend for the week of June 11th to June 17th. Which events are you attending?

This week we also highlight some great exclusive discounts from Uber and the upcoming HostingCon conference.

We also highlighted our updated services and an awesome testimonial we received for our most recent workshop.

Short URL: http://bit.ly/BTUn611

BostonTweetUp is a new media networking resource center.  We help individuals and brands best connect with each other via new media.



Microsoft New England Research & Development Center Logo

The Boston Globe Logo

Boston.com Logo

TweeTee Logo

Kimpton Hotel Logo


Urban Legend Logo


Engage121 Logo

Exclusive Deals 


$20 off of your first Uber trip which is basically a free trip within downtown Boston and is perfect for going to or leaving a tweetup/networking event. Uber is your on-demand private driver. Use Code BostonTweetUp when signing up.

Get $260 off July 16 HostingCon use code : BostonTweetUp2012

Social Media

Off of the success of our LinkedIn Audit, we are offering a Social Media Audit.  Get an evaluation of your Social Media activities and profile(s) setup then learn how to grow your online network beyond 5,000 followers from a team that has done a number of times? If you are interested contact us for details.

As Seen in
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Weekly Newsletter

June 11 - 17

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Que Pasa?

How are you doing, did you have a good weekend?

It was my Birthday last week so it was a great weekend!

I know you are busy, so I will keep this newsletter short.

 We will only highlight 1-2 events a day in the newsletter and simply link to our Event Calendar, for all the other events that day.

We will be working on how to best deliver useful content to you, so stay tuned!

If you missed any event last week you can always go to the event review secion of our website.

As usual have a great week networking and we will see you at a tweetup soon.

Also remember you can always go to the BostonTweetUp calendar for the events we don't cover in the newsletter.

 Finally, here's a list of our past newsletters in case you missed them.

Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you at a tweetup / Networking 2.0 event soon!

This Week's Events

   M T W Th ( <- Click on links to go directly to section )

Note: Tweetups are in red
          Nontweetups are in green

Monday June 11


Boston, MA

501 Tech Club June Gathering
Come for networking, free food and drink and five awesome Ignite presentations What's Ignite? It's 20 slides in five minutes, intended to ignite your thinking about nonprofit technology.
Cost All: Free
Hashtag: #501TechBOS

More Mon Events

Tuesday June 12


Boston, MA

Boston Entrepreneurship Speaker Series: Brian Hayden, Heatspring Learning Institute
Brian Hayden, co-founder of Heat Spring Learning Institute, will share his experiences on the rise and fall and rebuilding of Heat Spring Learning Institute. Within 3 years of operations Heat Spring generated $1.3 Million in yearly revenues; however efforts to accelerate growth nearly tanked the company. Come learn about the rise and fall and rebuilding of Heat Spring Learning Institute.
Cost All: Free



Boston, MA

Social Media for Business
A Free 1-hr Training on Using Social Media to Market Your Business; using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Foursquare.
Cost All: Free

More Tues Events

Wednesday June 13


Boston, MA

Share Your Story & Meet Other Entrepreneurs
Our community has been growing quickly and we're looking forward to meeting new members, prospective members, and our top contributers alike. We'll be catching up on community projects, our new features, and any news you have to share! We're also looking for feedback on our Startup 101 Series, so please bring thoughts on what topics from entrepreneurship you'd like to learn more about.
All: Free

More Wed Events

Thursday June 14


Boston, MA

Authors Night: The Evolution of Social Media
Social Media Club Boston brings together Boston-area authors in a panel discussion to share their adventures in social media, read highlights from their books, and discuss insights into how the marketing world is changing.
All: Free


Boston, MA

BostInno Monthly Meet Up & BostInno Careers Launch
We’ll be celebrating the launch of Careers on BostInno with a preview of the product and a quick talk by our CEO and co-founder, Chase, happening at 7pm on the mezzanine level of Meadhall.
All: Free

More Thr Events

-Joselin Mane & BostonTweetUp Team