Top 5 Social Media Tips Speakers Should Do Before a Networking Event

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at 7th Annual MITX Awards.
HubSpot Tv
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at HubSpot.

Want to learn which social media platforms will most benefit you and your brand?

With so many different social media trends constantly changing and emerging on the web, social media platforms can sometimes get a little overwhelming and may seem hard to adapt to.

But in fact, they are quite simple to use and can also be very effective and beneficial- if utilized the right way.

And I’m sure you want that, especially since as a speaker, it’s probably best if you learn how to network yourself and communicate online aside from offline.

Now what exactly do I mean by “in the right way,” well for starters you need to know which social media platforms are the most effective and the most efficient.

Which ones are the ones that everyone is currently on, or which ones are the ones that seem to be the most trending?

Now I’m sure you must know at least one or two of them because anyone who is anyone has one.

Know what I’m talking about?…… Facebook!

But that’s just one of top current platforms, so what are the rest?

Don’t worry, I won’t tease you and make you sit around and wonder, to keep things short and sweet we’ll be giving you the top 5 social media platforms every speaker should be using, as well as the top 5 things to do on them! More specifically, what to do on them before an event. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp/ Photo Nights Boston.

1) Facebook:

  1. Update and maximize your profile. Things like adding in your work experience and the company you work for . As well as including a professional photo (maybe of one of you speaking at an event).
  2. If there is an event page for the event already created on the FB calendar, make sure that you have accepted and joined the invitation. This will allow others to easily find you and connect with you.
  3. Connect with the organizer and ask them to if they could include you in the event description within the calendar. But only if they haven’t already, so you might want to make sure.
  4. Request/friend anyone who is participating and attending the event. Anyone including sponsors, hosts, organizers and attendees. This way you can start getting to know them through their profiles. Which ties to:
  5. Directly message anyone who you wish to connect and network with during the event. Just shoot them out a quick message telling them you look forward to meeting them.

2) Twitter:

  1. Update your profile. Make sure to include a descriptive bio, your website links, any other profile links on the side bar, as well as a pleasant head shot.
  2. Tweet about the event you are speaking at, before it happens, by using the event hashtag. So that your followers and the entire twitter community can know about the event you are speaking at.
  3. Follow anyone who is going to the event or anyone you look forward to meeting, so that can begin to build your connections right away and build new relationships.
  4. Tweet to others who are also attending the event so that they can know to look out for you while they’re there.
  5. Create a list, using the event hashtag, so that you can see what everyone is tweeting and saying about you during the event.

3) LinkedIn:

  1. Update your profile. Update your background summery, work experience, skills, education and any additional information. And don’t forget your best picture that best represents you.
  2. If there is a link for the event with a sign-up sheet and additional information, share it with your connections or the entire LinkedIn community.
  3. If there is an event invitation created, make sure to accept the invitation and make it known that you are going to be there.
  4. Connect with the organizer and if you could be listed as a speaker, if you aren’t already. This will give you some exposure and could spike people’s interest.
  5. Connect with anyone participating in the event. They can get to know you and you can get to know them beforehand.

4) Google+:

  1. Update your profile with your work experience, full name, education and a photo.
  2. If there is a Google+ Event already created on the google calendar, make sure you accept the invitation so that everyone knows you are going to be there.
  3. Ask the organizer to mention you in the event calendar; Ask to be listed as the event speaker with your twitter handle so that everyone knows you will be speaking.
  4. Add any participants involved in the event (hosts, sponsors, suppliers, speakers, attendees) in your circle of friends. You can begin to connect and research on who you want to meet and connect with during the event
  5. Share the event link with your circles or with the entire Google+ community. This can benefit both the event organizer and yourself.
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp

5) Blogs:

  1. Update your profile and make certain all of your links are properly working.
  2. Link any or all of your social media platforms to your blog. Including: Twitter, Facebook, LinkIn, and Google+. This way your readers can follow you on other social media platforms.
  3. Add social media platforms share buttons like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn on the side for readers to share your blog on other social media platforms. (See side photo)
  4. Link your Tumblr account to publish content from your WordPress blog to your Tumblr. This allows you to upload and be at two places at once.
  5. Mention the event hashtag and twitter handles of anyone participating in the event so that readers can follow the event and event participants as well.

So those are the top 5 tips for the top 5 social media platforms that every event speaker should be utilizing before your next big event.

Make sure you put them to use next time you are asked to speak at an event.

Do you think you find these tips helpful?

Let us know by leaving your comments below.

And make sure to check in with us next week where we will be discussing these same top 5 social media platforms, but instead of what you could do before an event, we will discuss what you can do on these platforms during the actual event.

Or if you are interested in learning more tips and resources make sure to signup for the upcoming Networking 2.0 Book and subscribe to this blog!!!

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