Top 5 Social Media Tips Speakers Should Do After a Networking Event

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at: Second Time Around #ShopUp
Gravity Summit
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at: Gravity Summity

You’ve made it to the final stage. The final stage of better networking. Woo-hoo! And if you stuck with us the whole way through then this is going to be as easy as ABC. The important thing you want to remember now is that you want to continue to leverage your social media platforms as much as possible. It’s not enough if you share before and during the event, you have to share and follow-up after the event!

Why? Because this will help you maintain those relationships you have started and more importantly, it will help you grow them. Which is crucial. Especially if you are seeking new and more opportunities.

So let’s start with:

1) Facebook

How can you use Facebook to stay connected?

  1. Search for any sponsors, other speakers, hosts, organizer or event members and request to add them as a friend. This can easily help you stay connected in case you ever need their help with something, or in case you are looking to speak at the same or similar event again.
  2. Send your new friends a message. Just say something like “nice metting you” so that they then remember you.
  3. Add the event you have just given your speech at into your history. This will let your FB community know more about you and what you do and have done in the past.
  4. Post any pictures of you giving you speech onto a new album. Name the album after the event so that it’s easy to find you and the particular event.
  5. The same goes for videos.

Bonus- Upload event content to Storify. Storify allows you to turn your content into interactive, dynamic and social stories by collecting updates from social networks, such as FB.

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at: Mashable


Moving on to:

2) Twitter

An easy way to grow a follow-up and build stronger relationships.

  1. Because tweets can easily get lost in all of the “noise”, Storify can also help you take the most important tweets and turn them into stories. Stories that reflect the event so that is is easier to share and relive the experience with other event members.
  2. Search and follow anyone who you have connected with during the event. It’s important to keep these people in your network so that you can always find them and ask them for assistance in the future.
  3. If you see that an event member has tweeted you during the event, make sure to tweet them back after the event is over. This will grow your relationship and grow your following. (see photo below)
  4. A unique way to follow up is by sending a Vsnap out to any of your new connections. This will allow you to connect more personally.
  5. And of course, tweet about the event you have just spoken at by using the event hashtag. This will make it easier for other event guests to find and follow you.


Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at: #Custlove13

Next is:

3) LinkedIn:

How can you grow your network on LinkedIn?

  1. Search and add any new connections from the event to your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Just like with FB and Twitter, send your new connections a message.
  3. Create a group so that you can invite all event guests and stay connected in a much easier way.
  4. If you know people who have similar interests, suggest and connect them to one another. They can then potentially do the same for you and help you find a match and a different event to speak at.
  5. Use CardMunch to easily take a snap shot of any business cards you may have received, to instantly find a LinkedIn profile to match it.

Followed by:

4) Google+

An easy way to share and stay connected with event members.

  1. Add friends from the event to stay connected and see what they’re sharing.
  2. Create a circle or community so that you can stay active with all event members.
  3. Go to the Google+ event page and upload any photos you have of you speaking at the event. This will make it easier for event guests to remember you and stay connected.
  4. Do the same for any videos you may have of you given your speech.
  5. Then take these photos, videos and comments and put them on Storify.

And last but not least:

5) Blogs:

A great way to grow your following and build your credibility.

  1. Upload all of your photos onto your blogs post.
  2. And upload all of your videos. This will more than likely increase your viewer rate. It’s pretty obvious that people like to look at photos and videos when they are reading.
  3. Use the testimonials you have gathered during the event and use them in your post.
  4. Make sure to share your blog across all of your other social media platforms. This will help you increase your following, shares and credibility.
  5. And don’t forget to share your live blog across all the social media platforms. Note: You can easily embed the storify you created into your blog. Again, use the event hashtag so that it’s easy to find.

So now you’re ready to go. You have all the tools and tips necessary to build and grow your online network. So put them into use you are asked to speak at an event, and see how fast your following grows. And once your following grows, take advantage of it. Take advantage of the situation so that you can start to build your online reputation. Because remember, it won’t do you any good if you don’t maintain active on social media after the event because you’ll be easily forgotten. You have to leave your impact and find ways to be remembered. And what better way to do this than by utilizing Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Goolge+? I mean everyones got one, so why not use them to reach out?

As always subscribe to this blog and leave your comments, questions and concerns, or signup for the upcoming Networking 2.0 Book if you are interest in learning more tips and resources.


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