Summary: Top 5 Social Media Tips Organizers Should Do Before, During, and After a Networking Event

photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at: Social11
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7th Annual MITX Technology Awards

How would you like to stay connected with event members and grow your network? Well in order to do so it’s important to stay active and share across the top 5 social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Blogs. These platforms are a great resource to use. They’re great because they help you reach out to the most amount of people in the least amount of time. And as an event organizer, they can benefit you with your event planning.

Like we mention in our first post: Top 5 Social Media Tips Organizers Should fo Before and Event , you can use these platforms before an event to help you:


All five of these platforms have the ability to generate buzz for your event. You can:

  • Create and inviation and invite your friends on FB.
  • Create an event hashtag on Twitter so that attendees can tweet and connect before the event.
  • Create an event page on Google+ so all event guests can share and post on one central page.
  • Invite professionals on LinkedIn.
  • Create a brief blog summary describing who will be there and what the event is for.

And to help you stay connected with your event guests during an event you can use these platforms to:


Share and connect in real time by:

  • Checking-in to the venue using apps like Foursquare, then share this onto FB and Twitter.
  • Tweet a Twitpic, Instagram pic, or Path pic of the event as it is going on.
  • Use the party mode on the Google+ event page to share pictures and videos with all event guests in real time.

The important thing to remember when you’re networking during an event, is that you want to keep all tweets, pictures, videos, and comments in one central place, because this will make it easier for you to later go back and respond to each networker. Use tools like Storify, Twitter lists, or the Google+ part mode to share and gather event content in real time. (For more tips read: Top 5 Social Media Tips Organizers Should do During an Event

And once the event is over these 5 platforms will make it easier for you to:

  • Use the FB event invitation and the Google+ event page, to search and find event members
  • Then thank your guests for attending and acknowledge their presence
  • Connect with them on a professional level using LinkedIn
  • And build your credibility and grow a following by blogging.

Doing these things will help you keep your connections and grow your network. Which is vital. Now, if you want to find out more tips on what to do after an event read: Top 5 Social Media Tips Organizers Should do After an Event.

The top 5 social media platforms are essential for event organizing because using them can simplify your planning, and can help you reach out and stay connected with the right people. So if you want to learn more tips and resources on how to better network make sure to signup for the upcoming Networking 2.0 Book and subscribe to this blog.

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at: Open House ISITE Design Invades Fort Point Channel #isitebos