How to Plan a Tweetup – Phase 1 Pre-Planning Part 1 : Themes


In continuation of our ongoing TweetUp How-To series, we have decided to discuss what we believe to be the most essential component to any TweetUp, and for that matter any event – Themes.

Themes are what really separate one TweetUp from another TweetUp and /or meetup. We have already discussed the difference between a Meetup and a TweetUp. Now, we are taking it to the next level, making your event stand out.

Given that we here @BostonTweetUp have been actively involved with not only the promotion of almost all the TweetUps* in the Boston area, but more importantly attending and in many cases assisting with the planning process of these events for the last few years, we thought it would be helpful to the community for us to share what we have discovered.

*certain organized have decided for whatever reason not to have their tweetup promoted

In the process of promoting and planning so many tweetups and events we have developed a 5-phase TweetUp / event planning process that almost guarantees a successful event.

  1. Pre-Planning
  2. Planning
  3. Pre-Event
  4. During Event
  5. Post Event

If you do the right thing in each one of these phases you will not only have a successful event but you will also have enough content and create enough buzz to hold and promote future events.

Well, our current topic is a major part of Phase 1 : Themes.

In this short video we share why we believe themes are one of the most vital components to any tweetup or event. We highlight some past themes and give you ideas for possible themes for you to consider for your own TweetUp, meetup, or event.

We hope you enjoy!


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