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Like we discussed in our first post, 5 Unique Things for Networkers to Do Before a Networking Event, it’s important to make a great first impression so that you can begin to grow your personal brand. Personal branding is essentially the act of marking people and their careers as brands, so in order to develop a good personal brand you need to represent yourself exceptionally well during an event.
Note: a good personal brand is someone who has established a name a reputation for them self. So to make a name for yourself during an event, here are five unique things you should focus on.

According to Emmi Sorokin, “A man’s wardrobe is his most immediate tool for success, how he dresses impact everything from how much money he can make to how much admiration he receives.” The same can be said for women. Depending on how you dress is how you will be judged and treated. So don’t be afraid to try new colors and prints out that will make you stand out, but don’t dress in anything you aren’t 100% confident in. You want to feel comfortable in what you wearing so that you can be confident in what you say and do. (For more do’s and don’ts, head to Emmi’s blog)

So of course you’re going to be given a name tag during the event so that everyone can know who you are. But instead of just wearing your name tag on either the right or left side of your chest be different, wear it on somewhere unconventional like on your shoulder or arm. Anywhere different as long as it’s visibile. Another unique thing to do is to instead of just writing down your name, write down your twitter handle or company name. This will differentiate you from other networkers and will make you stand out.

If you’re a social media enthusiasts, then make sure to stay active by either tweeting or mentioning the event during the event, by using the event hashtag. Using the hashtag will unify all of your tweets in one central place, which will make it easier for other event members to find and identify you. It will also keep the conversation going! You can also check into the event on apps like Foursquare or Path and then share it on Twitter or Facebook, just don’t forget to use the event hashtag. But whether you decide to check-in via Foursquare or to just tweet about your experience at the event, using the event hashtag will allow you to converse in real time with the people who matter most.
Remember those business cards you created prior to the event? Don’t forget them! You want to distribute your cards during the event, especially if you are looking to connect with someone later on. If you show up empty handed, you’re unprepared. It’s just more efficient and convenient to give someone a card than to take out a pen and paper to write down your info.

The whole purpose of attending an event is to network, so don’t be afraid to jump into someone else’s conversation. Just make sure you properly greet and introduce yourself. It’s more than likely that you’ll be welcomed in. Also make it a point to introduce at least one person to someone new. The more you interact and mingle with people, the more you will grow your network and be remembered.
So now, do you think you’re ready to present yourself well during your next networking event? Try these tips out during your event and let us know which ones worked for you by leaving a comment below.
Until next time.