How to Best Network in 2013 – What Sponsors Can Do During a Networking Event : Networking 2.0 Style

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Boston CreativeMornings with Darin Hager.

Hey sponsors!

Did our tips on How to Best Network in 2013- What Sponsors Can Do Before a Networking Event: Networking 2.0 Style, help you find the event that best suits your company?

Cookie Swap for a Cause
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Cookie Swap for a Cause

What worked for you? What didn’t? Comment below or just email us and we can help you.

Now that you have found the event that gives you the most value for your dollar, you can proceed to learn how to network during an event.

Again, we will review tips you can use both online and offline.


  • Tweet about the event you are currently sponsoring using the event hashtag to highlight the offers you are currently having during the event.
  • Post pictures of attendees with your merchandise or products at the event during the event with the event hashtag.
MashUp College Fest
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at #MPMashUp CollegeFest Tweetup.


  • Take photos of attendees with your offerings/merchandise/products at the event
  • Provide any additional information about your offerings on display for people to see.
  • Keep a sign up list for any guests who may want to join in on more offerings, or for any guests who want to receive more information about you and your merchandise.
  • Distribute business cards with your contact information so that other event planners can know how to contact you for their next event.

So now you can make your brand stand out!

These networking tips will help you promote yourself and will help you be more memorable.

So now, I’ll leave it in your hands.

Use these tips and let us know how they go for you.

Leave a comment below so we can answer your questions.

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