How to Best Network in 2013 – What Venues Can Do Before a Networking Event : Networking 2.0 Style

InnoBeer Boston
Photocredit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at InnoBeer Boston

Hi Marketing managers! Welcome back!

Remember our first post and how we talked about ways you could leverage Networking 2.0* skills via social media so that your venue gains more visibility?

Well today we’re going to get to the deeper and better stuff. How you’re venue can gain more visibility before the event!

Did you miss the first post? Need a reminder?

Check it out! How to Effectively Promote Your Venue: Networking 2.0 Style- Part 1.

BWP Mixer MiniBar
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at BWP Mixer MiniBar.

As the second post of this four part series, we will giving you tips on what you can do before an event so that you’re venue gains more exposure, thus more business.

So how can you do this?

First and foremost, get your venue known by generating buzz!

And there are ways you can do this both online and offline.

So let’s discuss these ways.


  • Update your profile on Twitter and Facebook with your name, contact information, and bio. This way people know who you are and what you have to offer. It is also a way to get feedback, mentions, likes and follows.
  • Create rewards for venue check-in on social media platforms like Foursquare, as an incentive for people to attend and start buzzing about your venue. This will generate more exposure for you.
  • Collect content from past events such as photos, blog posts, videos, etc to share and promote your venue and/or upcoming event. If you do this, people can see what you have already done in the past and decide if they like what you do or not. This can make the difference on whether or not they, (networkers and/or organizers), choose your upcoming event and/or venue over anyone else’s.


  • Create business cards to hand out before and during the event to stay connected. Hand these out before the event even begins to promote your venue and during the event to help continue the relationship after the event.
  • Create flyers to inform people on the event with things like where, when, time, and who.
  • Create discount coupons as a takeaway. This will drive them back to your venue and maybe even like you. 😉
  • Have someone from your venue present during the event so that you can extend your arm and develop more personal relationships. This is crucial if you want their business and if you want them to come back on a regular basis.

Let’s face it, people will only begin to like you if you have a better understanding of who they are. The more you take care of them the more they will generate buzz for your venue, both online and offline, and as a result people will begin to trust you!

How’s that sound?

Did I miss anything? Do you have any additional questions or insights you want to share.

Next week we will talk about what you do during a networking 2.0 event to help build trust with the attendees. In the meantime, leave any questions or comments you may have below.

Don’t be shy, we would love to hear from you!

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