Ever wonder how you can get your venue to stand out from your competitors? How you can get people who attend your event coming back on a regular basis? Or how you can collect content from events to share and promote your venue?
Then this is the post for you!
Marketing managers, we know you have a busy schedule so we are here to make things easier for you.

Here at BostonTweetUp we know it’s difficult to have a successful event, to have people wanting to choose your venue but, more importantly, to have people coming back to your venue. And we know that the most important thing here is to generate more customers, increase business and more importantly profitability.
So to help you out we are going to be sharing with you a few little known tips, tricks and secrets that will help get your venue more income in an easy and less expensive manner.
How? By showing you how you can leverage social media to gain more visibility so that people will want to host their events at your venue.
As the first post of a four part Networking 2.0* series, I will be sharing with you a brief intro/series overview of how we are going to be effectively leveraging social media to make sure your venue is becoming more visible during any given event.
*Note: Networking 2.0 is essentially the combination of the best practices of traditional offline networking with those of the new online social networking. (If you want to know about Networking 2.0, our co-founder @JoselinMane has a book for you)
And throughout this series, we will be discussing how you can effectively utilize networking skills so that your venue gets:
a.) a lot of business and
b.) a lot of exposure (both offline [magazines, newspapers, etc] and online [websites, Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc])
But in order to do this, your venue must become: known, liked and trusted. (3 important things to keep in mind)
Why? Because in order for your venue to get business, people need to be aware of who you are, what you have to offer and what makes you stand out from your competitors. And the best way to do this is through word of mouth via social media platforms.
So how do you reach this goal? With Networking 2.0 of course!
By the end of this series you will be able to effortlessly leverage your social media into your marketing mix to gain visibility and to get people to do business with you. And social media will help you address all of these needs. It will provide you with an easy and accessible way to share info in real time as it pertains to the venue.
Don’t you want your venue to be the first choice when planning an event? Of course you do. And we are here to help you do exactly that. These tips and secrets will show you how to have everyone talking and boasting about your venue. You will have everyone flocking to your venue to organize an event. Promise.
So whether it’s a grand opening or a special event, utilizing these some of these ideas will increase your venue’s business.
How great does that sound? You think you can do it? I think you can.
In the meanwhile, what are you most eager to learn about? What are some of the biggest issues you’re having now with your event promotions?
Comment below or contact us privately and let us know, so we can help you out!
We will select the best two comments.
Short URL: http://bit.ly/BTUVGP1