BostonTweetUp TV, Episode #134, October 9 2011


This week on BostonTweetUp TV Joselin Mane goes over the week in tweetups, meetups and networking events including the only tweetup this week #Altimetertweetup Jeremiah Owyang of Altimeter Group and dubbed as the no-host tweet up to talk social business.This tweetup is also a free networking event that is tied into the Jason Falls’ Awareness Exploring Social Media Business Summit.*

*(Readers to our newsletter get an Exclusive discount to this event! Sign up to the BostonTweetUp Newsletter if you also want exclusive discount to this an any future events)

He also highlights several other social media related events and other events that leverage social media to communicate information rather than just only using it to promote their event.

One particular event Joselin highlighted was the Boston Area SharePoint Users Group organized by Geoff Varosky, Eugene Rosenfeld, Talbott Crowell, and Ryan Tacy for their use for social media for their event.

During the Shout out Showcase Joselin gives shout out to all the people the put together #MPMashup the first tweetup at CollegeFest. He specifically mentions the MusicPound Team, DJ Clinton Sparks, and also links up the MPMashUp Review. He also showcases Melissa Mccray of TophDaddy (area code ti-shirts) who was also at the event.

This weeks giveaway is also announced so if you tweet “I want a @tophdaddy Free t-shirt just for watching @BostonTweetUp TV #AreaBTU (4:08)” and get entered into this weeks giveaway.

Shout out also to Persia from Social Media Society and all the local people, like CC Chapman, Ann Handley, Christina Inge from AMA and Dharmesh Shah from Hubspot amongst many others that won a Social Media Stars award. Read out Social Media Stars review.

Lastly Melissa Massello gets special shout out for being about of first swap event that produced social media analytics. Here is the Social Media Case Study for BFWSwap event.

As always we are looking for talented twinterns, Fee, one of our Twinterns, explains the benefits of being a BostonTweetUp Twintern!

Please let us know what you think. Leave comments below.

If you have any further questions about any of the events, feel free to contact us at info [AT] bostontweetupDotCom We will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Here is this week’s video.

[viddler id=61b9712a&w=437&h=370]

(Note: Tweetups are highlighted in Red & Non-tweetups in Green)


(0:11) Joselin Mane

What’s New

Shout Outs Showcase



(4:45) Social Media Stars Review


(5:19) First Swap Social Media Event Case Study



Social Media Amplification Workshop

Online Marketing for Small Businesses and Nonprofits


#MIBU Moms in Business Unite – 2011 Boston

#BASPUG Boston Area SharePoint Users Group


#GSNBrew The Who’s Who of BREW at GSN: 5 Industry Leaders. 5 Views on Social & Mobile. 5 Monetizing Strategies



Next Week / Coming Up

Awareness Exploring Social Media Business Summit

SOCIAL @ Think Tank Cambridge


#echone Entrepreneurs of Color Helping Others (ECHO) Monthly Meeting


#powermingle POWER MINGLE: Annual Fall Networking Social for Awesome People

Tuesday Oct 25th

Boston Beta :: Launch Event

Important Action Items


(16:05) Simply tweet to be entered ” I want a @tophdaddy Free t-shirt just for watching @BostonTweetUp TV #AreaBTU (4:08) “