#BBBloggers Tweetup – A BostonTweetUp Review


The #bbblogers TweetUp held on 6/17/2010 was a fun event and really showed what is great about tweetups. This was a tweetup where LiLu, a Mass native who is currently living in Washington DC, tweetup for Boston Bloggers. She used twtvite to promote her event, which is an ideal site to help reinforce the casual and social nature of her tweetup. And although I almost always generally recommend Eventbrite for tweetups, twtvite is an excellent alternative for the more casual tweetups.

Current logo (1996–present)
Image via Wikipedia

“Want to grab drinks with a fantastic group of people?” was all she need to say to attract like minded people that also happen to love to blog. That statement also implied that if you attended the tweetup you were also a fantastic person, Great Marketing!

The result was a gathering of cool lady bloggers and myself, that only male (one of the many sacrifices I make for @BostonTweetUp 😉 ). Although there were a couple of 20 inch TVs there, the men bloggers were most likely watching the Boston Celtics play game 7 of the NBA finals elsewhere.

By visiting everyone’s blogs afterwards, it seemed like the majority of the attendees there had already made connections online beforehand and were just meeting IRL (In Real Life) for the first time.

We talked, laughed*, and had some drinks, in the end we all had a better understanding of each other and what we were all involved with besides blogging.

*A good portion of the night was spent laughing about everyone’s (but me of course) experience of going to the ladies bathroom. The tale involved going up and down some stairs, interacting with the wait staff and finally a mirror in the bathroom! Ask us about this crazy story at the next tweetup.

This event is a great example of what is so great about tweetups and how they can be leveraged as a great resource for connecting. What separates this tweetup from say a traditional gathering is the use of a hashtag, in our case #BBBlogger. A hashtag is a tool primarily used to filter conversations on twitter. Now everyone, whether they were there or not, could be apart of the event by simply using the hashtag #BBBlogger whenever they tweeted.

See below for the twitter stream of everyone on twitter tweeting about the event.

And although I was the only male there, I didn’t feel out of place and that was a testament to the great host and Social Media Maven LiLu aka @LivitLuvit http://www.livitluvit.com/ Lilu is extremely welcoming, charismatic, funny and outgoing. It is no wonder why she has quite the online following. She is also quiet the online entertainer as evidence of the Tosh.0 style video she has on youtube called: Surprise Trust Falls: Abusing Tourists on the National Mall


I expect more great things from LiLu so stay tuned as I am sure she has some other great things in store.

Finally I want to give a special shout out to (in order of how they are pictured below) Jennifer Denning LiLu , Katy Mary aka @TangerineHearts http://tangerinehearts.blogspot.com/, Kinsey Michaels aka @kinseymichaels http://www.kinseym.com/, LiLu Lil Sis, Susan Forshner @susanforshner http://transienttravels.com/ & @WhatKindOfGirl http://www.notthatkindofgirl.net/ (not pictured below)

Where you there? What did yo think of the Tweetup? Please rate and comment below!

Here is photo album (do you want to add your pictures, simply tag your photos with bbbloggers on Flickr)

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