Blog Better Boston #BBBos Conference A BostonTweetUp Review And Social Media Recap


Blog Better Boston Preview Normally we don’t Recap an event before it has started, however we wanted to show support to two very hard working event organizers (Alana aka @goodgrlgoneblog and Amy aka @StylishYear) So here is a preview of tomorrow’s #BBBos event.

Hope you enjoy and look for our recap after the event.

What it’s all about…
Blog Better Boston is a conference for bloggers in Boston looking to expand their craft and grow their network. By taking the conversation from offline to in person, the conference was set up to acknowledge and meet the needs of the blogging community.

What happened…

As a “one day event created by bloggers, for bloggers”, the room was filled with a constant buzz of networking, learning, and putting a face to an online friend. The event, hosted at the Google offices in Cambridge, flowed seamlessly as experienced bloggers and professionals shared their stories and advice in a series of 5 major panels and 5 breakout workshops. With subjects like “How to Monetize your Blog”, “Traffic & Community”, “Design Hacks”, and “Social Media Platforms”, the discussions were informative, useful, and relevant to the evolving community. Speakers and attendees were comprised of an unlimited age group who blog about everything from fashion to tech. This diversity was matched not only by the conversation, but by the wealth of onsite presentations provided by the sponsors and brands.

The Better Boston Bloggers conference was highly successful and proved the need for events that foster this growing and thriving community. The conference concluded at 4:30 with the presentation of stuffed swag bags from sponsors, followed by an after party at Think Tank Bistrotheque.

Memorable Moments

Dunkin’ Donuts provided breakfast while Au Bon Pain showcased a new line of sandwiches for lunch. There was never a boring moment between sessions, as participants explored the sponsor “Marketplace”: a separate, open space that displayed a wide range of retailers with special offers and giveaways in tow.The most memorable element of the day was the networking environment. Bloggers met for the first time or built upon existing relationships. For some, this meant meeting a blogging friend or inspiration in person. They shared hardships and successes, expressed admiration, worked on collaborations, and realized their common goals. The energy from interaction was stimulating both online and in person. (see more event highlights below)

Update: One of the biggest hits of the day was the @Eventbrite cupcakes. In a matter of minutes it seemed like everyone was in line to scoop up a cupcake! See below for images of the awesome cupcakes.

More Info

Do you have a professional or personal blog? If so, are you engaged with your readers and surrounding blog community?

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