Altimeter Group – Mobile TweetUp at Tamo Bar – A BostonTweetUp Review


What was the #AGMobileUp TweetUp All about?

The #AGMobileUp, which stood for Altimeter Group Mobile TweetUp [a hashtag we created to help filter all twitter discussions about event], was simply a get together of Altimeter Group researchers and analytics and people in the mobile industry. There wasn’t a formal agenda but there was a brief introduction. (see video below).

What happened at the TweetUp?

Like the majority of tweetups, this was a gathering of like minded people reconnecting or just getting together for the first time. The theme of this tweetup was mobile. The Altimeter Group, which

provides research and advisory for companies challenged by business disruptions, enabling them to pursue new opportunities and business models

, wanted to connect with the local mobile community so they decided to host an event for them. As Jeremiah mentions in the video, they want to know about all the great mobile companies in the Boston area so that they can highlight them in their reports.


Event Takeaway:

  • Location Matters: The location was ideal, both the area of town, Innovation District, and venue, Tamo Bar within the Seaport hotel, is a great venue. There is a private area with a tv and ample space to form smaller discussion groups.
  • Great Food: The venue provided a wide range of healthy foods from hummus to pizza. There was also enough food for everyone
  • Hostess with the Mostess: Shannon Geise, part of the sales team for the Altimeter Group, did an excellent job greeting everyone as they walked in. She made sure she captured everyone’s name whether they were on the list or not and found out how they heard about the event, which every organizer should do. She also provided everyone with servers name so that everyone could easily order their drink. It was refreshing to see her in action as she made it look so effortless.

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