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So you’ve planned, set up, and hosted an event at your venue, now what? Well now that the even is over, it’s your chance to reconnect with the attendees so that you can turn them into returning loyal customers.
Now that the networking event is over, you want to find ways to get these guests to return to your venue. So to help you build your relationships and build new clientele, this post will show you 5 unique things to use after an event that can make your venue stand out and help you make a good impression:

Create an incentive that will lure the event guests back into your venue even after the event is over. Something like either a coupon or a promotional discount. This is an easy tactic to use because guests will more than likely be willing to return to your location if they know they are receiving any special treatment. Plus they will more than likely boast about your free gift either on social media or to their friends, which is awesome for you because it will earn your venue visibility and credibility.
In order for your venue to gain visibility and awareness once the event is over, go onto your online social media profiles/business page’s like Facebook, to post and share any photos or videos of the event you just hosted. You can then tag people in the photos to increase your exposure and likeliness. This will let event guests relive the experience, not to mention it’s a real fun and easy way for you to direct traffic onto your page. Once you’ve directed traffic onto your page, these members will be more likely “like” you and thus grow your social following.
It’s crucial to stay connected with guests even after the event is over and it’s easy to do so! All you have to do is reach out to all event attendees by using social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. Use the event hashtag which guests have mentioned you and then once you do so, reach out to them by either following or friending them. This way, once you’ve connected, you can share your specials, discounts, and promotions so that you can urge them to revisit you venue space.

Reconnecting with the event organizer is important. Especially if you are looking to have them rebook another visit or event at your venue. Take the time to reach out to the organizer and thank the them for choosing your venue. This can tighten your relationship with them and earn you a potential future client. Who know’s they may need a space for a future event and because they got to know you, they may more than likely either choose or recommend you.

Mentioning the event in your newsletter can give your venue more exposure. Letting your subscribers know about past events that you’ve took part in, or letting them know that your space is available for renting large parties/events, will get them to consider your venue for their future event. It can also influence them to either recommend or pass along the information to their friends and family.
So now after your next networking event, try some of these tips out and let us know which ones worked for you, or which ones didn’t. And leave your comments below.
Short URL: http://bit.ly/BTU5UVP3