5 Unique Things for Organizers to Do After a Networking Event

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at MITX Awards.

Now that the event is over, it’s important to stay reach out to all of your event guests and stay connected! Why? Because it will help you build your relationship with them and it will help you gain insights on how your event went. So how can you do this?

Well to help you out, this post will guide you through five unique steps that you can take after a networking event to help you stay connected.


Storify is a fun way to recap the event. It allows you to pick and choose any Tweets, FB photos, Instagram photos, FLickr photos, or videos, by searching for the event hashtag, and then it allows you to compile this information onto one unified story board. Storify helps make sense of what people saying on social media by allowing you to take posts and comments from the most important voices and turning then them into one story.


There are different ways in which you can reconnect with all of your event guests. You can either find them on Twitter, add them on Facebook, connect with them on LinkedIn, or email them. But no matter the technique you choose to follow, it’s important to thank the guests for attending your event. This will also allow you to quickly and briefly review everything you touch based on during the event. Briefly thank them for coming and briefly recap the event, highlighting the most important things.


Help out all event guests by reconnecting them to one another. An easy thing to do is to provide all guests with one another’s contact information. Since you already have everyone’s name, email, and possibly their twitter handle, take the time to craft a spreadsheet including all of the event attendees info on sites like Eventbrite. You can then go on Twitter and use the event hashtag to share this information with event guests.


If you took any photos or videos during the event, upload them onto your social media platforms like Facebook and Google+. And don’t forget to tag them. Uploading and tagging photos will increase your visibility online and it will give everyone a chance to interact and reconnect with anyone they recognize from the photos. This will allow event guests to relive the experience and to reconnect with one another via online.


Blog Better Boston Conference #BBBos
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at: Blog Better Boston Conference #BBBos

You should always have your next event in mind. Now that you have built a more solid relationship with the event networkers, let them know about your future events. It’s more than likely that if they enjoyed themselves at this event, that they will support you and attend your next event. Have a sign up sheet during so that they can sign up and so that you can then go back to this sheet, once the event is over, and send them the necessary information about the next event.

Next time you have an event, use these tips after the event is over and then leave us a comment below and let us know which tip(s) worked for you.

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