5 Critical Things to Do After a Networking Event

Networking 2.0 The 101 Series Logo

Think you’ve finished your networking experience once you’ve stepped out the door of the event? This 5 minute video will show you that that’s not the case. In this video, you will learn the 5 things you need to do once you’ve left a networking event. By implementing these 5 tips, you will be sure to stand out and have a more rewarding, productive networking experience.

In order to solidify the connections you’ve made during an event and continue to build up your network, it is important to continue networking after the event is over. This video will show you how to do that.

This video series in in place to help the first time networker learn the ins and outs of networking, but the tips and advice we discuss apply to everyone from a student going to his first networking event to a seasoned networker. This video is the final video in the series. If you haven’t already, be sure to check the other videos out here: 5 Critical Things to Do Before a Networking Event, 5 Tips to Help You Find the Right Networking Event, 5 Ways to Best Prepare for a Networking Event, and 5 Ways to Stand Out During a Networking Event.

Be sure to download the 5 Critical Things to Do After a Networking Event guide.

Did you like what you saw? Do you have any questions or topics that you would like to see in a future video? Please leave any thoughts in the comments below.

Happy Networking!

Short URL: http://bit.ly/5CTDANE
