PodCamp 5 Boston 2010 #PCB5 – A BostonTweetUp Review


Normally here at BostonTweetUp we tend to primarily focus on Tweetups but there are some events that we feel would be beneficial for our community to be aware of, and PodCamp Boston (PCB) is one of those events. PodCamp was started 5 years about by Christopher Penn and Chris Brogan and it 2009 Michelle Wolverton took over as lead organizer of PCB.

This year it was a great combination of 5 year veterans and newbies from not only down the street but also from out of state. Along with Michelle there was a team of organizers (Whitney Hoffman, Steve Sherlock, Doug Haslam, Ellen Rossano, & Carissa O’Brien) that made sure the event ran smoothly.

The Agenda was packed with great sessions! Below is our attempt to capture it all for not only the people that missed the event but more importantly for people like me that might have been presenting at the same time as say Tamsen was speaking and had to miss the session. ( Please email info [at] bostontweetup DotCom if we missed something )

Saturday 9/25/10

9am Chris Penn and Chris Brogan: A look back at 5 years of PodCamp, preparing for the future

Part 1


Part 2


Videos courtesy of Bruce K Garber


Len EdgerlyPaging Ahead: Tips &Tools for E-Book Mastery

Steve Sherlock – Blogging 100/101/102

Todd Van HoosearMonitoring, Management & the Promise of Social CRM

Dave Wieneke Scott BrinkerFuture Focus: Social Media on a Web 3.0 Pageless / Siteless Web


Dennis CallahanLearnstreaming

Marc A. PitmanSocial Media for Fundraising and Nonprofit Marketing

John Blue – Agvocacy: How agriculture uses digital tools to share stories


Wayne KurtzmanMeasuring Social Media

Eric SchwartzmanB2B Applications of Social Media

Stever Robbins – From Podcast to Published Author

Travell PerkinsA Reasonable Software Architecture for Your Next Big Idea


Tamsen McMahonA Scientific Approach to Social Media

Cliff RavenscraftHow Podcasting About Your Passion Became Your Full-Time Career! part 2

Skip Bensley Steve Garfield Joselin ManeThe future of Online Video

Nagubandi Sri SEO & Social Search 101 & Site Clinic


Kelle Sparta – Is Social Media Right for My Business?

Erik FisherSocial Media Serenity

David WellsSocial Media for Social Good

Rodrigo Martucci – Social Media in Latin America


Paul GillinB2B Social Media – Really! Video Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 via Sean Zinsmeister

David Wieneke – Toward One Analytic Language – Where Can We Standardize Measurement and Reporting?

Lesley LambertAdvanced Twitter Tips

Pattie Simone – Flip for Your Organization


Tamsen McMahonMosaic Branding

Morriss ParteeGeolocation

Steve Garfield Joselin Mane Skip Bensley RobertCollins Mike Langford Tom Beach Paul Lyzun – The Return of the Visual Suspects Panel

James Ringrose – Is video part of your marketing communications strategy…don’t get left behind.


Christopher Penn – Podcasting 101: five years later

Chris AbrahamHow to Effectively Reach Thousands of Bloggers with Your Message

Ja-Nae Duane – How to Start Your Business with $100

Paul Lyzun – Screencasting 101


Dave Young – Social@Work: 12 Powerful Reasons To Bring Social Networking *Inside* Your Company

Michael Daniel – Clearing the Hurdles

Peter MelloSo you wanna be a podstar!

Lane Sutton & Avrom HonigTwitter, Facebook, Foursquare… It’s Taking Over Our Lives!

PCB5 2010 Blog Posts / Resources

PodCamp Boston 2010 in 73 Seconds & 1392 Words by Amanda MacArthur | @amaaanda

PodCamp 5 Wiki Page by James Jones | @MediaDisconnect

Podcamp 5 Boston Day 2 Highlights by Sean Zinsmeister | @SZinsmeister

Stay Connected

Follow all the attendees of PodCamp5

Review event #PCB5 tweets courtesy of Twapper Keeper

PCB5 2010 Photo album
(To be automatically included in this album please tag your pic pcb5 on flickr)