Unwind Social’s Boozy Brunch Wednesday Review


• Who are you what do you do: Unwind Social is an event-based meeting platform where members can make new friends, network and maybe even find romance. In the age of swiping left and right, it’s not easy for ambitious young professionals to make solid connections via solely a digital platform. No one has times to swipe a thousand times with the small chance of hitting it off with someone, getting a first date and cross your fingers that the person behind the all the texts is just the same in person. Unwind Social events place everyone on the equal ground. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for that someone special or want to expand your network to a great group of people like yourself, the caliber of folks in attendance are there for all the right reasons. At the very least, our guests walk away with a whole lot of new friends!

• Charity: One of the really unique things that bands all of our members together is how each of them are tied to a charity or cause in some way. We quickly noticed that among all of the young professionals registering, this was a definite common thread. Following each event, Unwinders get to nominate a charity or cause to donate a portion of the ticket revenue to.

• What’s the Name of your event: Unwind Social x Crudo

• Who is the event for: Boston Young Professionals (20s-30s)

• Organizers: Unwind Social

• Do you leverage Social media at all to promote before during and/or after: Yes; Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter

• Event Hashtag: #unwindsocial

• Event Frequency: Monthly

• Whens next event: February – Date TBD

• Registration (how do people register meetup/eventbrite/other provide link): unwindsocial.com

• Venue (is there a set venue or do you alternate): We hand select unique and trendy locations throughout the cities we are available in that target our demographic.

• Where can people go to find out more information about event: unwindsocial.com or our Facebook page!

• What’s your event goal: To connect the unconnected. Getting terrific people in the same room and watch the magic happen.

• Anything you would like to add about your event: If you are interested in becoming a member of Unwind Social in Boston or know of someone who would, register at UnwindSocial.com and get connected on social media to be in the know for the next event announcement!