The Welcome 2016 Networking Event w/ Mass Professional Review


• Who are you what do you do: Founder of Mass Professional Networking
• What’s the Name of your event: Monthly Networking Event w/ Mass Professional Networking
• Who is the event for: All professionals – Entrepreneurs, sales & marketing, students etc
• Organizers: Jeffrey DeSocio & Jaclyn Zukerman
• Do you leverage Social media at all to promote before during and/or after: yes, most platforms
• Event Hashtag: #massprofessionalnetworking
• Event Frequency: Monthly
• Whens next event: Celebrate You Event on Feburary 16th at Lansdowne Pub
• Registration (how do people register meetup/eventbrite/other provide link):
• Venue (is there a set venue or do you alternate): Lansdowne Pub in Boston
• Where can people go to find out more information about event: Eventbrite or Facebook
• What’s your event goal: Connect professionals and educate on networking
• Anything you would like to add about your event: February’s event is focused on women professionals Our March event (either on 3/15 or 3/22) will be more focused on general networking