TweetUp Idol #SingUp – A BostonTweetUp Review


Here is a summary of TweetUp Idol #SingUp hosted by @cmajor (Christine Major) and @thelansdowne. With many tweetups under her belt, Christine delivers yet another great tweetup just 2 days after @peterstringer (Peter Stringer), Director of Interactive Media for the Boston Celtics, and @marketcait (Cait Downey) hosted Boston Sports & Social Marketing Tweetup #BSSM (Read our review of Boston Sports & Social Marketing Tweetup)

This is another example where the tweetup host, in this case @CMajor, leverages something they are passionate about ie singing Karaoke and unites a community around that. That is the essence of a tweetup.

After organizing many events both in New Hampshire and Boston, @CMajor realized that the first step to any tweetup is to come up with a theme. Once the theme is determined then everything else about the tweetup / event becomes easier to plan.

(That is step one of five in @BostonTweetUp formula for successful tweetups, email us for more info)

This tweetup was unique from a variety of reasons here are some Tweetup tips you can gain from SingUp.

Tweetup Tips

  • Leverage (Existing Venue Schedule) – Selected a venue that already has what you are looking to so, in this case Karaoke. In face, @CMajor changed the date of her event in order to leverage the live band Karaoke night.
  • Be Unique – There a many Karaoke locations, however how many have a live band Kararoke
  • Be the Connector – By hosting an event at a certain location, with a certain band, the organizer connects those three communities in one event.
  • Consistent Branding – From the eventbrite page to the name badges, to the tweetup signage it’s ideal to have the same branding throughout.
  • Partner – This coincides with being a connector. Partner with other talented people and brands like @Garylombardo and @sophwell (who created all the fantastic signage) this make the event planning process much smother and reduces the stress of doing everything yourself. A motto to follow do what you do best and outsource the rest!
  • Share Content in Real Time – One of the many things that separates meetups from tweetups is the sharing of content in Real Time. People that attend tweetups tend to have smart phones or at least cameras with phone (who actually uses the phone on those things 😉 Because of this people that are on the way or can’t make the tweetup can still share in the experience.

Short URL:

(to have your photo included simply tag your photo with #SingUp on Flickr [currently there is something wrong with Flickr slideshows, we’ll tweet when they are ready])





















Were you there? Let us know what you thought.