@RedSox #RedSoxTweetUp August 1 2012 – A BostonTweetUp Review


The Red Sox organized their 4th Tweetup August 1st at Fenway Park with special guest Jenny Dell, NESN Reporter for Red Sox Nation

What Happened at #RedSoxTweetUp?
A group of passionate Red Sox Nation fans got together to connect with the Red Sox Socail Media team, Jenny Dell, and other passionate fans. There was a mix of raffle prizes, twitterchat prizes and discounts on food.

This wasn’t the typical tweetup where twitter virtual friends get together in real life and occasionally tweet about their experience. This tweetup was hosted by a major sport organization where fans not only got to personally connect with the organization but they also became aware of some insider information not generally accessible to the public.

Building relationships is what tweetups are all about, so by going to this tweetup the fans are more likely to gain access to future promos, exclusive events, maybe even access to the players.

Whether you were able to attend or not What would you like to see/experience at the next Red Sox Tweetup? Leave your comment below and we will pass it along to them!

More information:

Event Hashtag: #RedSoxTweetUp
Frequency: When it’s best for Fans
Registration: Custom For Red Sox
Venue: Fenway

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@RedSox #RedSoxTweetUp – A @BostonTweetUp Review

@RedSox #RedSoxTweetUp – A @BostonTweetUp Review Complete Review http://BostonTweetUp.com

Storified by · Thu, Aug 02 2012 10:17:58

Official Websites

TweetUp at Fenway Park@RedSox TweetUp August 1 What: A pre-game Twitter reception with great prizes AND a game ticket to see the Red Sox take on the Tigers. Da…


Boston Red Sox (RedSox) on TwitterInstantly connect to what’s most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
Jenny Dell (JennyDellNESN) on TwitterInstantly connect to what’s most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.


Got 8/1 #RedSoxTweetUp tix yet? http://atmlb.com/NvoIEy 1 lucky attendee will get 2 watch 1st inning INSIDE Green Monster, yup.Boston Red Sox
WEDNESDAY: AUG 1 5:40PM #FenwayTweeps #Tweetup hosted by @RedSox @JennyDellNESN http://bit.ly/RedSoxUp4 #BostonBostonTweetUp
Join me for the #RedSoxTweetUp on 8/1! http://atmlb.com/OegblK Great prizes = autographed items & seat upgrades. @RedSoxJenny Dell
BTUNEWSLETTER This week we highlight events from @KingstonStation @RedSox @JennyDellNESN @BostInno & many more http://bit.ly/BTUn730BostonTweetUp
TOMORROW: 5:40PM #Boston #FenwayTweeps #Tweetup hosted by @RedSox @JennyDellNESN http://bit.ly/RedSoxUp4 RT to Win A Free Tix Random WinnersBostonTweetUp
NEWS: Congrats @icanhazjill Our#FenwayTweeps @RedSox #TweetUp Contest WinnerBostonTweetUp
Congrats to @icanhazjill who won a ticket to our #RedSoxTweetUp tomorrow via @BostonTweetUp! Tix: http://redsox.com/tweetupBoston Red Sox
Want autographed items like these? They are just 2 of the #RedSoxTweetUp prizes! Get tix: http://atmlb.com/NvoIEy http://twitpic.com/adk5mbBoston Red Sox
Our #RedSoxTweetUp is only a few hours away. Who’s coming? This is our 1st prize. See you tonight! http://pic.twitter.com/Ii9axcQgRed Sox Army


Our lucky #RedSoxTweetUp signed baseball winners! http://twitpic.com/aedd7cBoston Red Sox
@ the #RedSoxTweetUp with @aTOMicsplicer, who just won an autographed bat!!! http://twitter.com/OhThatEthanGuy/status/230794447980470272/photo/1 http://pic.twitter.com/q7xEQuFYEthan Miguel S
Got a seat upgrade thanks to @glebs282. 3 rows behind home plate – watch me on da TV! #RedSoxTweetUpJill Jankowski
#RedSoxTweetUp just won a Cody Ross ball! http://pic.twitter.com/r8rOAiLXDiann Daniel
THESE ARE MY SEATS. How you like me now?! #redsoxtweetup @redsox @ Fenway Park http://instagr.am/p/NzaXynwiay/Jill Jankowski
I was a couple of seconds away from getting to watch the first inning of the Red Sox game from INSIDE the Green Monster. #RedSoxTweetUpCorbin Midgley
Just won a trip inside the green monster @RedSox #RedSoxTweetUpaTOMic
#RedSoxTweetUp attendees @ohthatethanguy @atomicsplicer watched the 1st inning in the Green Monster http://pic.twitter.com/umJy33nzRed Sox Army

Photos / Tweets

#RedSoxTweetUp strong prizes, fan engagement. Good people. @@@@ a 4@ success #DigSportsDesk #MLB #SBJSBD http://pic.twitter.com/wa19bzPKDigitalSportsDesk
Schwag and a/c to wait out the rain at Fenway w/ @chipgoines. #redsoxtweetup http://lockerz.com/s/230308847Jeff Mahoney
My credentials. I’m officially cool. #RedSoxTweetUp http://pic.twitter.com/cmdVi1CJJodie Lynn Boduch
Met @snarkychicklet at the #RedSoxTweetUp @redsoxJenney Griffin
Highlight: Met longtime tweep @IrishRedSox77 at the #RedSoxTweetUp! http://pic.twitter.com/Cv0FXpPxJodie Lynn Boduch
.@JennyDellNESN greets our #RedSoxTweetUp guests. http://twitpic.com/aectpaBoston Red Sox
The Jennies at the @redsox TweetUp. @JennyDellNESN and @IrishRedSox77 #RedSoxTweetUp #RedSox http://twitpic.com/aeggn5Jenney Griffin
Hubby and @JennyDellNESN. Nice, clear pic 😉 #RedSoxTweetUp http://pic.twitter.com/SLpvhJ1VJodie Lynn Boduch
Blurry pic of @JennyDellNESN and me. She complimented my nail polish. #letshearitforpurple #RedSoxTweetUp http://pic.twitter.com/mzjqqr17Jodie Lynn Boduch
#RedSoxTweetUp with @JennyDellNESN http://pic.twitter.com/pBJIjgvITodd Ryan
At the @RedSox #RedSoxTweetUp! Reppin’ Red Sox Nation all the way from Erie, PAChelsea Signorino
@JennyDellNESN presenting and answering Q&A for the @RedSox #RedSoxTweetUp faithful. #RedSox http://pic.twitter.com/ui1xN9WdKing B
.@jennydellnesn doesn’t use a Teleprompter. She’s just that good! #RedSoxTweetUp http://pic.twitter.com/178ujh1gJill Jankowski
Jenny Dell #RedSoxTweetUp @jennydellnesn http://instagr.am/p/NzTdnQRcQo/Jenney Griffin
With @JennyDellNESN talking to us ad answering questions at #RedSoxTweetUp #awesome http://pic.twitter.com/GZFeNk27aTOMic
Great job by #NESN Jenny Dell wfans at #RedSoxTweetUp contest. One fan tweeted trivia on Carl Crawford, won His bat. http://pic.twitter.com/S9CCTMRwDigitalSportsDesk
Someone remind me why I didn’t go to the #RedSoxTweetUp ? #instaregretKaleigh Cummings
#RedSox staff brought online feed to big screen TVs to monitor activity at #RedSoxTweetUp. See photo http://pic.twitter.com/OtNcPX8wDigitalSportsDesk
King B reporting live from the Red Sox Tweet Up. @JennyDellNESN is working the crowd. #redsoxtweetup http://instagr.am/p/NzVkv0tvB2/King B
Wish i was at Fenway today. How fun is this? RT @RedSox: .@JennyDellNESN greets our #RedSoxTweetUp guests. http://po.st/Eo73TVDave Osborne
9th Inning rally hats: engaged #redsoxtweetup http://pic.twitter.com/uSMz1FeLchip goines
At the #redsoxtweetup 🙂 http://pic.twitter.com/oTCdZU51chip goines
@RedSox @JennyDellNESN The #RedSoxTweetup was fun last night. Thanks for the great prizes. How do we get Pedroia on Twitter?Todd Ryan