The @Raytheon #meetray #HT4H tweetup – A BostonTweetUp Review

The Raytheon meetray HT4H tweetup

What was the #ht4h #meetup TweetUp All about?

The #ht4h, which stood for Hashtags4Heroes, was Raytheon’s first tweetup in Boston area. It was an event to not only celebrate Veterans, showcase all of the work Raytheon has been doing for Veterans and more importantly bring a community of passionate people from across the country for an exclusive tweetup.

What happened at the TweetUp?

First off, it was one of the most organized events I have attended. Everything was scheduled from the pickup to the drop off. We were able to connect before the event and have an easy way to stay connected now, after the event.

We were picked up from two separate locations, Fairmont Copley and Westin in Waltham. We have a small tour bus trip directly to Gillette stadium where we all had 3 minutes to introduce ourselves and get to know everyone else there.

When we arrived we were allowed on the field for various photo shoots.

Afterwards we were escorted to the Hall, which is an interactive museum of Patriots history.

Afterwards we met with Pam Wickham, Raytheon’s vice president of corporate affairs and communications, and Robert Curbeam, Jr., vice president, Mission Assurance, for Raytheon Company’s Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) business. He also is a retired US Navy Captain and former NASA astronaut, who has been on 7 spacewalks!

We then briefly heard from Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, who spoke about the Raytheon and Patriots connection. We then helped pack care packages for our veterans.

Lastly, we watched the game in some fantastic seats.

Event Takeaway:

  • Branding Matters: The fact that everything related to the tweetup was label with the appropriate signs, including some great portable signs, made it easy for everyone to stay together in such a large venue.
  • A Variety of activities: The event was a great combination of structured events, like hearing Mr Curbeam speak, and free time, like the team we spent in the Patriots interactive museum.
  • Team Effort: The Raytheon team was fantastic. Everyone had their role and were easy to approach and speak to.
  • Unique Surprises:There were plenty of added extras like being allowed on the field, meeting Robert Kraft, and having the Hall section to ourselves made the event that much more memorable.

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