#OM2Bos Tweetup – A BostonTweetUp Review


The #OM2Bos Tweetup was a success!OM2Bos Sign

It was great mix of people from various industries all networking and talking about a variety of things including the doctor visit experience. There was also a lot of discussions online (see below)

There was also plenty of great food!

Also all the attendees that signed up for One Medical were given a $25 iTunes gift card!

Lastly, the good folks at One Medical are gifting all of the attendee friends and family with a complimentary first-year membership ($199 value) by entering this code on the site: OM13YBOS07

Be sure to sign up before 8/27/13 when the offer expires, but keep in mind you have one full year to go visit the doctor.

To receive your complimentary first-year membership:

  • Go online to onemedical.com and fill out the online registration forms.
  • You will be asked to input your credit card information, but you will not be charged.
  • Immediately following this page you will see a link in the upper right-hand corner of your screen that says “using a promo code?”
  • Click on this link, a pop-up window will appear, input your membership code OM13YBOS07, click “submit” and your credit card will NOT be charged.

The Doctor's Office. Reinvented. Experience One Medical Group - exceptional primary care that fits into your busy lifestyle. Enjoy FREE membership at One Medical ($199), compliments of Joselin Mane. Become a member today. 1. Sign up before 08/27/13 at www.onemedical.com. 2. Enter the promo code: OM13YBOS07 after credit card entry. 3. Book an appointment at your convenience. View doctor's profiles and Loop office location at www.onemedical.com. New York • Washington, DC • San Fransisco Bay Area • Chicago • Boston. Join the conversation: #OM2Bos Like & follow us [fb] http://facebook.com/onemedical [tw] http://twitter.com/onemedical. *Offer is for new members in Boston only. Cannot be retroactively applied. limited time offer - expires 08/27/13.

More info:

Short URL: http://bit.ly/BTUrOM2Bos