How to Best Network in 2013 – What To Do During a Networking Event : Networking 2.0 Style

Networking 2.0
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at BWP Mixer MiniBar

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I hope you’re enjoying these posts and finding them beneficial.

Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at DWC July 2011.

Tell me, have you put the first tip on what to do before an event into practice? Has it worked for you?

Missed the first tip on how you can network before an event? Check it out: How to Best Network in 2013- What To Do Before a Networking Event: Networking 2.0 Style

So now that you know how to networking before an event, let’s move on to how you can network during an event, and again, both online and offline.


  • Tweet that you are going to the networking event and include the Twitter account(s) of the organizers. The organizers will not only appreciate you helping promote their event but they will be more likely to remember you when you arrive at the event. Event organizers are the most important people to meet first because they tend to know everyone who is coming, so they can help connect you with the people you need/want to meet.
  • Tweet about the people you look forward to meeting and connecting with. In your tweet incorporate event hashtag, event twitter handle, and event organizer twitter handle, followed by a question i.e. @JoselinMane I see your going to #SoxUp what time are you arriving? cc @RedSox
Boston Sports & Social Marketing Tweet Up
Photo credit: BostonTweetUp. Taken at Boston Sports & Social Marketing Tweet Up.


  • Connect yourself – Get to the event early so that you can connect with the organizers of the event.
  • Connect others – Connect people to each other as quickly as possible. If you are talking to someone, encourage someone else to join in on your conversation by introducing them to one another. This technique is extremely effective and will make you more memorable. Remember the point of networking event is to get the essence of people and figure out which people make the most sense re-connecting with after the event. It’s very similar to dating the goal of the first date is to get to the second date.
  • Take photos – Create a memory of your experience. You can use these photos later on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc to stay connected with attendees and organizers and to promote the venue and event.
  • Use apps like Cardmunch to take a photo of a business card and to stay easily connected. If you lose the business card, Cardmunch can use the photo of the card to find their LinkedIn profile and sends it directly to your phone.

So now with these tips, you can hopefully master networking during any event.

Give them a try and let us know how they work out for you by leaving a comment below!

Or share any other tips you have used during networking events that have worked for you.

Until next time! Stay tuned in to find out how you can continue to network after an event .

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