January Community Table Review


• Who are you what do you do: Lauren Abda, Founder of Branchfood

• What’s the Name of your event: Branchfood Community Table

• Who is the event for: eaters, entre­pre­neurs, and students of food to connect and exchange ideas

• Organizers: Branchfood, Babson Food Sol (Rachel Greenberger)

• Do you leverage Social media at all to promote before during and/or after: Yes, we post on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram both before and after the event, we’re also starting a blog and plan to cover the event there too

• Event Hashtag: #CommTableBF

• Event Frequency: once per month

• When is next event: Thursday, February 4, 2016 from 12:00PM – 1:00PM

• Registration (how do people register meetup/Eventbrite/other provide link): Meetup http://www.meetup.com/branchfood/events/227455989/

• Venue (is there a set venue or do you alternate): Einstein Room, 16th Floor, 50 Milk Street in Boston every month

• Where can people go to find out more information about event: meetup.com/branchfood or www.branchfood.com

• What’s your event goal: Connect the community of innovators transforming our local food scene

• Anything you would like to add about your event: People have reported finding partners, expanding networks, and reaching retail all as direct results of attending Community Table. No registration required. Simply come when you can, bring your lunch or a snack if you wish. Community Table gatherings are also held at Babson College and NYU monthly.