#BWP Leaders Networking Reception – A BostonTweetUp Review


Davio’s Northern Italian Steakhouse wasn’t just an Italian restaurant on Tuesday the 9th of August 2011. The bar turned into an international networking breeding place for professional business people from all over the globe, from Bostonian publishers to Chinese entrepreneurs.

The goal of BWP
Boston World Partnerships (BWP) is a networking organization created by Mayor Thomas M. Menino. He wanted to bring people from all over the world together in order to raise global awareness of Boston as one of the world’s foremost centers of intellectual capital and innovation. To achieve this awareness, BWP is building a global network of people who have ties to Boston’s economy.

What does BWP do?
They work with so-called connectors, who can get you in touch with business people in town. You can meet them during a coffee connect (usually announced through their twitter handle) or – if you become a member – email them. Among other things, BWP organizes strategy sessions to get your business to the next stage and the office space service Grab-A-Desk

The international character was clearly felt throughout the networking reception. European, Asian and Bostonian connectors introduced their guests to each other. Because that was what this Leaders Networking Reception was about: connectors could introduce their guests to the other BWP connectors and members. So if you’re new in Boston or you’re interested in international business, make sure to look out for the next networking reception or go to one of the monthly open mixers meet-ups.

Becoming a member is advisable if you don’t want to miss out on BWP’s activities. The reception was not announced on the website and therefore hard to find for non-members.

FYI: BostonTweetup’s owner Joselin Mane is one of the original connectors of BWP

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