BostonTweetUp Weekly : Gaming Fashion Tech Travel Media And What To After A Networking Event

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

Que Pasa

How are you doing?

This week there is a lot of great networking 2.0 events from webinno, founders dialog, Boston Media Makers to various gaming, fashion and fundraising events, there is even a beer tweetup. I will be teaching a networking 2.0 lunch and learn at workbar, How to Best Network Online to Make Better Connections Offline.

So get out there and make those connections!

Last week we released the third of our four part blog series –  Top 5 Things To Do On Social Media After a Networking Event. See the sidebar for links.

Have a great week, and I will see you at a tweetup soon.

We welcome our new clients and partners and thanks to everyone that has been sharing our new offerings ie Social Media Productivity Training and Coaching* both Corporate and Personal, Half Day (4 hrs) or Full Day (6-8 hrs) as well as Specialized Custom Social Media Optimization Training and Coaching for advanced organizations. Contact us for more details.

Joselin Mane

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