Twisted Tea Tuesdays Tweetup – A BostonTweetUp Review


On July 12th, The Lansdowne Pub hosted their weekly summer event sponsored by Twisted Tea called the Twisted Tea Tweet-up Tuesday series. This time, Boston Food Bloggers took over.

What is it?

Every week over the summer, Twisted Tea hosts a tweet-up at Lansdowne Pub for an online network that’s interested in networking “in real life”. Different social groups are asked to have their tweet-up at the restaurant. It gives these groups an opportunity to meet the people they talk to everyday and put a name to a face. This week, it was Boston Food Bloggers turn! Boston Food Bloggers is a resource for people who love food (whether it’s cooking or eating) so they can network and talk about food. Their focus is divided into two ideals: brands/marketing and the people of the blog.

What was it like?

Although this was the first tweet-up for the blog, it ran smoothly. The demographic of the group there was mainly bloggers from the Boston Food Bloggers website and the ages ranged from early-20s to mid-30s. Public relations, experienced bloggers mentoring new ones, and networking are just a few examples on how this support system is intended to work.

The venue is a rock throw away from Fenway, so be sure to plan wisely when traveling. To be stuck in the game’s traffic flow is to sign away your personal space while at Yawkey Way.

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