ePowerhouse eConnector Program Launch – A Boston TweetUp Reviews


On July 27th, the eConnector program within ePowerhouse was launched at the Microsoft N.E.R.D. Center in Cambridge. ePowerhouse is “an online innovation accelerator devoted to making entrepreneurship easier” for those interested in starting their own company (www.e-phouse.com).

The eConnector Program links successful entrepreneurs and executives with much familiarity in entrepreneurship to help introduce beginning entrepreneurs to the people who can help advance their visions. People who plan on attending the event should come prepared to network. It is geared towards making connections and learning more about how to start one’s own company.

Connecting entrepreneurs

This event is a way to introduce the young and beginning entrepreneurs to the older and established. A majority of the attendees were beginning in the field and there were a small number of experienced entrepreneurs. ePowerhouse seeks out people to become part of their community and become what they dub as “eConnectors”.

David Zhou, ePowerhouse’s founder and CEO said, “This monthly meetup is to educate new entrepreneurs on how to start and continue their journey on learning how to run their own business. Also, we envision a network of people helping each other become successful entrepreneurs.” On why he chose the N.E.R.D. Center: “Well, it’s free to rent for the night and it’s the best space in the Cambridge area. Plus, Microsoft has an aligned vision of us to foster the community of entrepreneurs.”

Any last words?

“Start publishing your event early. Word of your event gets broadcasted far and wide when you do.”

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