Bon Voyage Tweetup #BVBoston Review & Case Study


Here is a summary of Bon Voyage Tweetup #BVBoston hosted by The Community Roundtable (Rachel Happe & Jim Storer ) and Awareness (Christine Major, Mike Lewis, Will Eisner, Philip Barry, Scott Farrell & more) NOTE: Case Study is located at the bottom of this post.

Were you there? Let us know what you thought.

Tweetup Photo Album

(to have your photo included simply tag your photo with #BVBoston on Flickr)

The Boston Tweetup Difference!

This is a case study on the BostonTweetUp Difference. Given that there are almost 20+ event calendars options for the Boston area, BostonTweetUp wants to highlight how we are working for you (event goers, organizers, venues & sponsors).

Every event is different and requires a unique strategy

We will be looking at Bon Voyage Tweetup #BVBoston as an example.

One month before the event BostonTweetUp recieved information on this event. We looked at all elements of this event and determined that what it needed most, as it had many elements to make it sucessful already, was an initial sign up push. So to show you the power BostonTweetUp can have we are showing you some of the backend tracking that we do for every event.

With one tweet we:

  • Got 19 people to sign up for the event
  • Were 84% of the traffic that the sign up page had in the 24 hours after the tweet
  • And that was all with over a month until the event.

Contact us if you want us to help you with your event planning and promotions. Also review our new FAQ

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