Announcing Networking 2.0 1st book on Tweetups


We are excited to announce that Joselin Mane is writing the first book about Tweetups. Currently the working title is The Ultimate Guide to Networking 2.0 : The benefits of Tweetups for both Major Brands, Individual Networkers, venues and sponsors.

The book will discuss how a networkers, event organizers, venues and event sponsor can all benefit from tweetups. Joselin has already explained the difference between Tweetups and meetups.

Due to the overwhelming amount of questions we get on a daily basis asking for assistance organizing a tweetup, finding a venue for a tweetup, promoting a tweetup, understanding the benefits of tweetups, etc we thought it would be best to write a comprehensive tweetup guide. The working title is The Ultimate Guide to Networking 2.0 because the essence of all tweetups is networking. The 2.0 portion is how tweetups, with it’s integration of social media, has significantly changed the way we network.

The first tweetup book will not only discusses the history of tweetups and how they are beneficial to brands big and small but more importantly it will go into step by step detail on how to put together a tweetup that reaches thousands of people online.

Here are just a few other benefits that will be discussed in the book:

  • How can tweetups connect you with your next employer, business partner, co-founder, even life partner
  • How can tweetups help launch your product, book, business, brand etc
  • How can tweetups help non-products, entertainers, authors, entrepreneurs, activists, conference organizers, venues, sponsors, etc
  • How to be setup eventbrite, twtvite, etc for maximum exposure, promotability, and shareability
  • How can the BostonTweetUp’s 5-phase event planning formula almost guarantee the success of your tweetup
  • How to leverage social media to measure the success of your tweetup and how to identify which metrics are the most important measure

This and much much more.

We will be updating this page and blog as new information becomes available.

Because everything we do focuses on showcasing our community we will continue this trend by providing opportunity to showcase you in the book.

The first thing you can do to this is by simply letting us know which Book Cover draft best appeals to you. Please comment below.

1st Drafts


2nd Drafts

Winning Design

We want to include as many of our community members as possible so if you:

  • have a Tweetup / meetup / networking success story
  • have effectively used social media to grow your membership / business via events
  • have hosted an event at your venue and leveraged social media to gain new customers
  • have sponsored an event that leverage social media and gained new visibility and/or new customers
  • have spoken at an event and can provide tips on how you leveraged social media to gain more speaking opportunities
  • etc

we will love to include it in the book.

Simply email us [info AT BostonTweetUp DotCom] your story and we look into including it in the book and upcoming website.