After Work Social: Mix, Mingle and Make New Connections Review


Who are you what do you do: Boston Young Professionals Association – Our mission is to create a community in Boston through events. We have small social networking and special interest events during the week that are great for meeting new people, and then larger soirees about once month to enjoy with friends new and old.
• What’s the Name of your event: Our monthly repeating events for networking are the After Work Social and the New Member Mixer
• Who is the event for: These are organized for anyone that needs to grow their network. The New Member Mixer is for anyone that is new to Boston, new to BYPA, or wants to meet our newest faces. We now offer speed networking at them as an icebreaker and to encourage attendees to say hello to as many people as possible. The After Work Social is good for professional or social networking – we see both happen. I often see new connections leaving and grabbing dinner after the event – that’s a sign of success for me!
• Organizers: Boston Young Professionals Association. We have a Board of Directors, and also an Ambassador team. Ambassadors are members who are seeking a leadership role and more visibility in the community.
• Do you leverage Social media at all to promote before during and/or after: Yes!! We have Facebook,Twitter, and now Instagram, but our LinkedIn group is an incredible resource. We have almost 30,000 members. Every week we post our events and job openings that are sent to us.
• Event Hashtag: #AfterWorkSocial
• Event Frequency: monthly. After Works Social is on the second Tuesday, NMM is on the last Tuesday.
• Whens next event: New Member Mixer is February 23rd, next After Works Social in it’s traditional form is March 8th. We are still doing an AWS on February 9th, but it is a Mardi Gras party as well since it’s the same day. Less networking, much more social.
• Registration (how do people register meetup/eventbrite/other provide link): Eventbrite is used for Registration is our organizer profile, and has listings of all of our events, as well as the ability for professionals to purchase annual and lifetime memberships.
• Venue (is there a set venue or do you alternate): There is some alternation, however we are at Lir for the New Member Mixers.
• Where can people go to find out more information about event: either eventbrite or our website (new one under construction!)
• What’s your event goal: to give attendees new connections
• Anything you would like to add about your event: Just come on out and meet some new people! You never know who you will meet and who can help you with your goals.