New 2013 XV Crosstrek Tweetup – A BostonTweetUp Review


 2013 XV Crosstrek

What was the #SNEXVTweetup TweetUp All about?

The #SNEXVTweetup, which stood for Subaru of New England XV TweetUp, was Subaru of New England’s first tweetup. It was an event to not only showcase the new pre-production Subaru 2013 XV Crosstrek but more importantly an event for the members of the Subaru team to get to know the Boston community.

What happened at the TweetUp?

First off, the color of the evening was orange. From the orange Crosstrek outside, to the Subaru team all wearing orange shirts, to the custom orange iPhone speakers (see video below) and earbuds that were given away for checking in on Foursquare, to the orange specialty cocktails, the color orange was everywhere.

This orange theme really helped create a memorable Subaru brand experience for everyone to remember, whether they were a previous Subaru owner or not.

The event also provided plenty of signs and videos to inform everyone about the new XV Crosstrek. (See album below)

Event Takeaway:

  • Branding Matters: The fact that everything related to the tweetup was in orange made the event more memorable. It was more of an experience vs. a networking event.
  • A Variety of Great Food: The venue continuously provided a wide range of great food (see photo album). There was also more than enough food for everyone
  • Team Effort: The fact that there were more than 5 Subaru employees there demonstrated that Subaru really cared about the event and allowed for more interaction with the brand
  • Unique Social Giveaway: It was great to see a Foursquare giveaway that was worth the check-in. The portable iPhone speaker/stand was the talk of the evening. (see video below)


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