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| “I just got laid off and I needed to know how to stand out in the Boston job market! So after meeting up with my friend Joselin I realized he was giving me the kick in the butt I needed to really hone in on defining my personal brand when he asked me, “well,whats your pitch?” “Huh?” I said ” My pitch? I just go into the interview and tell them why they need me.” “You have to have that one defining factor that makes you, you! And that’s what you should lead with” Joselin is super easy to talk to and not only offers his expertise and wisdom, but he has a way of asking the right questions, so I was able to start to articulate my own realizations about myself and how I want to be viewed and stand out to employers. Ultimately I was able to define my “pitch”. Joselin is a great person to talk to about career advice! Everything he says is like a nugget of knowledge that you can carry in your back pocket. I went into an interview right after talking to Joselin and all my interview answers were way stronger than they had been that morning. I thought about my deifning factors Joselin had talked about and how I would stand out to the employer! “ -Molly DeLong (@mktgwmoxie) Update: within two weeks of coaching session Molly was able to find her next opportunity -> Biz Dev @ConnellyAgency | |
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| “I’ve known Joselin since our early days of building Ultra Light Startups. Joselin and the Boston Tweetup team are experts of their domain. There are many events every night of the week that the Boston Startup community can choose from. Boston Tweetup helps cast a big net to amplify awareness, unmuddy the social waters, and helps connect our community. While we have a strong continuous community of attendees, since we’ve partnered with Boston Tweetup, we are constantly by fresh new faces, indifferent of industry of topic. I highly recommend working with BostonTweetup if you want to get your message out and have it done correctly.” -Cris De Luca (@crisdeluca) Boston Founder Ultra Light Startups | |
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| “I love living in such an exciting and vibrant city, but it’s easy to miss out on great events because Boston has so much going on. But with Boston Tweetup, I’m able to find quality events I wouldn’t otherwise have known about. The site posts activities for both my professional life (networking meet ups, workshops, charity/non-profit events) and my more personal side (book talks, culinary happenings, and even activities that appeal to my inner geek). Signing up for the Tweetup calendar is a great way to find out about and discover what’s going on in our great city, while simultaneously helping a cause, enhancing your career and connecting with quality people. Which events will I be seeing you at next? “ -Kathy Reboul (@KathyReboul) Advocate for juvenile justice policy. Creative cook. Veracious reader . Enthusiastic networker. | |
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| “Thanks Joselin for helping me to make each tweet count and building my brand at the same time.” -Mike Bruny (@ambassadorbruny) Creator of www.HashtagsToHandshakes.Com | |
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| “The tweet that we composed together during your Twitter for Business Workshop got the attention of the biggest name in my industry. He has over 59k followers and is now following!” -Dr. Marie Pasinski (@DrMariePasinski) Harvard Neurologist, Brain Health Expert and Author | |
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| “Even though I help sales professionals with their LinkedIn profiles, often, like the Cobbler and his Shoes, we neglect our own marketing. I’d highly recommend Joselin for anything related to networking and especially for a LinkedIn Audit. He was thorough, helpful, and already I have noticed more profile views – which will directly result in more opportunities“ -Lori Richardson (@scoremoresales) Named 1 of the Top 25 Sales Influencers of 2012 | |
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| “With my busy schedule as a serial entrepreneur, it is often quite difficult for me to find out what is going on, since there are so many sources of information…I was gently pushed by a friend into signing up for Twitter a few years ago, and I began following @BostonTweetup. Thanks to the notifications about events, I have recently been fortunate enough to win a free ticket to TechCocktail’s Summer Mixer and Showcase at Microsoft NERD.I had a great time talking with fellow startup founders, and will keep my eye for future event offers and discounts!” -Diane E. Williams (@dianeew) Entrepreneur (mobile), Technologist, STEM education advocate | |
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| “Joselin helped us by providing guidance on how to organize a successful meetup, participated in our second meetup, and wrote a blog post with a detailed review, which gained international visibility and caught the attention of Alex Osterwalder, the author of the book that our meetup is heavily based upon. I highly recommend any event organizers to contact Joselin and see what BostonTweetUp can do for you.” -Hao Chen (@bitfaker) Co-organizer Business Model Generation Meetup | |
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| “Joselin [of BostonTweetUp] is very helpful, very good to work with and is always great at explaining things in a very concise and accessible way” -Jeanne Dasaro (@JeanneDasaro) Founder Wonder Women of Boston & North End Stories [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIF_0S_A-dU[/youtube] | |
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| “We were organizing our first Boston meetup and were planning it remotely. It was difficult to know what the venue setup was as the venue didn’t have any photos, it was also a new city for us so we needed a resource that knew the city well and would connect us with our community there. We hired BostonTweetUp who not only spread the word to the appropriate people but also provided us with photos of the venue from past events they worked on, which was invaluable. BostonTweetup gave us suggestions on how to best optimize Eventbrite, the event registration tool we used, and now we have a template we can use for events across the country. We had a successful event which exceeded our expectations and we highly recommend connecting with them for organizing a networking event in Boston.” -Jim Hopkins (@JimboHops) Marketing Manager at IDG Consumer & SMB | |
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| “BostonTweetUp reached out to me to see how they could help and ever since then, my life has been a lot easier. Joselin provided me with many ways to streamline the process of organizing my events as well as strategies on how to increase visibility and sign ups. Joselin also provided many great social media marketing tips that I can also immediately use for my new business. If you’re an event organizer or are considering organizing an event in the future, I definitely recommend hiring Joselin of BostonTweetUp ASAP so that he and the BostonTweetUp team can help you create the best strategic event plan that meets your companies goals, connects you with the appropriate community partners, and of course effectively promotes your event.” -Patty Katsaros (@PHKoules) Teaches individuals & companies the art of effective networking | |
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| “By partnering with Joselin at BostonTweetup, we were able to fine-tune and polish our process, implementing time-saving measures and being able to provide concrete evidence of successes for our team, our partners, and our sponsors. Joselin brought us from a 3-step process (planning, event, post-mortem) to a 5-step process thathelped us to better delegate tasks for monitoring and capturing key metrics. Result: increased mentions for our sponsors 800% over past events.” -Melissa Massello (@stealfinder) & Amy Lynn Chase (@PunkyStyle) Founders The Swapaholics (@theswapaholics) | |
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| “I called Boston home for 20 years until 2009, so I was excited to come back to keynote at the emetrics conference. I was challenged with wanting to reconnect with people I haven’t seen in a while as well as promoting my new book.So I was glad when Joselin, of BostonTweetUp, decided to partner with us to host a Book tweetup for KDPaine and I. The BostonTweetUp team handled all the logistics and all we had to do is show up. If your planning an event, I highly recommend contacting Joselin of BostonTweetUp to not only help promote the event but more importantly help plan the event for you.” -Beth Kanter (@kanter) Author of Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media | |
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| “I had all the elements of a perfect travel conference– celebrity speakers, venue with 125-person capacity, great program, track record of success– but despite my marketing efforts, by two days before the event I had only sold 30 tickets. I was heartbroken, and felt like I was screaming into a noisy ballroom, trying fruitlessly to be heard above the deafening roar of all the other events on the internet. Partnering with Joselin of BostonTweetUp was the solution. Joselin came up with a brilliant plan to run a Twitter contest every few hours for people to win half-price tickets to my event for people re-tweeting the conference details. Joselin helped amplify the call to register for my travel conference so effectively that I sold out all 125 tickets in one day. Our conference was a giant success, and it warmed my heart to hear the participants tell me, ‘I’m so glad I found out about this event!’There are many people like me who have a wonderful event or brand to sell, but no way to get that message to the audience that would most appreciate it. If you want to be heard above all the noise, Joselin of BostonTweetUp is the answer!” -Lillie Marshall (@WorldLillie) Teacher & Travel Blogger http://AroundTheWorldL.com & http://TeachingTraveling.com | |