Nominate Joselin Mane of @BostonTweetUp for El Planeta’s PowerMeter100 (Mass Most Influential Latinos)


The Boston Phoenix is running its 6th PowerMeter100 nominations for Massachusetts most influential Latinos. We believe that the work Joselin Mane has done to unify the various communities in Boston needs to be at least considered for a nomination, especially after the highly successful MegaTweetUp.

MegaTweetup Logo

For two years in a row, the MegaTweetUp has been the largest TweetUp in Mass. With approximately 400 people in attendance from a variety of industries, the MegaTweetUp has been the go-to social media event of the year. Among many other things, the 2nd Annual MegaTweetUp generated over 2.2 million impressions on twitter, was the top trending topic in Boston for two days straight and reached over 370,300 people worldwide, which is more than the population of St. Louis! (More info can read on the MegaTweetUp Mega summary page)

Latism LogoBesides the MegaTweetUp, Joselin Mane helped start #Latism, the largest Social Media network among Latinos online. Additionally, he’s helped BostonTweetUp become the go-to location for social media, technology, startup and of course Tweetups in the New England area.

Boston Social Media Day

In addition to hosting MegaTweetUp, Joselin Mane hosted Mashable’s Social Media Day for Boston. He was recognized for hosting the 8th largest meetup out of 600+ meetups in this 93-country global event. Here is BostonTweetUp ‘s Social Media Day recap of the event.

Social Media Marketing for Dummies

BostonTweetUp has been featured in Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies (Boston is Serious about TweetUps), Eventbrite, Viddler (the Video service used for the weekly BostonTweetUp TV) and was recognized as the 2nd most TweetUp twitter account to follow and top 50th event twitter account to follow by Crowdvine.

SpeakerRate Logo

Joselin Mane has spoken at several business and social media events, and has a 4.91/5 rating on SpeakerRate for the talks that he has given. He has spoken at various universities, including Northeastern (his alma mater), Suffolk, Bentley, and Emerson among others. He has not only spoken at various events, but also he is often asked to co-host events such as the 140Conf run by Jeff Pulver and, most recently, the upcoming sold out Suffolk’s Bridging the Gap event.

Media IconsJoselin Mane has been featured in several media publications both traditional and new media, including The Boston Globe (, Mass High Tech, and, most recently, he was selected as one of the top 8 Twitter accounts to follow in Boston for marketing by Boston Innovation, and a great resource to find social media events in Boston by (both articles appearing on the same day).

The Pulse Network

Joselin Mane has been a guest on The Pulse Network a few times. Most recently he appeared on NML TV (a Pulse Network show) to discuss how businesses and brands can leverage tweetups to grow their communities offline as well as online.

451 Marketing Logo

Joselin Mane recently joined forces with 451 Marketing as Chief Social Media Strategist. There, he helps major brands like the Westin Copley, Turner Fisheries, Bar10, The Meathouse, and the makers of Oprah’s favorite chicken pie, Centerville Pie Company, among many other brands best leverage social media to grow their businesses.

BWP Logo

Joselin Mane is also co-chair of the Social Media Redistribution Action Team for Boston World Partnership Connector and has helped many Latino business with their internet marketing strategies, including the Latino Professional Network, Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce, and El Mundo – just to name a few.

Twitter Logo

And with a following of over 14,000 people on Twitter from both his personal account and @BostonTweetUp, it’s no doubt that Joselin Mane has a great understanding of social media, and it’s usage and more importantly is a great example of leveraging Social Media to develop ones personal brand.

So if you would like to nominate Joselin Mane for TuBoston’s PowerMeter100, simply email [email protected] (cc: info AT with the following information.

Subject: I nominate Joselin Mane of @BostonTweetUp

Nominee Name: Joselin Mane
Nominee Profession: Social Media Strategist/Connector/Maven/Speaker

Some reasons why would you like to nominate Joselin Mane:

  • MegaTweetUp
  • BostonTweetUP
  • One of Boston’s leading Social Media Strategist who happens to be Dominican American
  • Boston World Partnership Connector