BostonTweetUp Weekly : Start with an Affair and End with Big Papi?



Que Pasa

How was your weekend? I hope you are ready for a great week!

Again this week, we have several ways to get discounts, deals and/or maybe find “The One”.

  1. Win a Free year of membership to Bos Lady Project To enter simply tweet “I want to win a free 1 yr Membership to @bosladyproject via @BostonTweetUp #BOSLP” (or click here to tweet) Enter as many times as you would like. The more entries the higher the chances of winning. Random winner announced in Sept Newsletter.
  2. Looking to meet new people and maybe “The One”? My friend Catherine is looking for participants for her 10th Annual Project Smile Charity Date Auction (Friday, Sept. 23, 7:30pm) Please reply to this email if you are interested.
  3. If you are an event organizer and you are looking for an event space I want to recommend Breather a new local event space company. Go to to unlock our exclusive deal!

As usual if you don’t see an event you like, I recommend visiting our calendar for a more complete listing of events.

Do you have something you would like to share with the greater Boston networking community or is there anything you would like to see or any service you would like us to provide, simply respond to this email and let us know.

P.S. The most common question we hear is what event would we recommend, so this year our goal is to start customizing this newsletter so update your subscription preferences so that we can begin customizing the events you see in this newsletter.

BostonTweetUp is on SnapChat so if you want an easier way to find out about events, follow bostontweetup.

Have a great week.


Joselin Mane

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