BostonTweetUp Weekly : 25+ Events More Winners & Giveaways

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BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

Que Pasa

How are you doing?

With over 25 events, this is going to be another busy week so if you don’t see anything you like below, make sure to check our calendar for a more complete listing of events!

Bonus :

  • Free March 11th Need for Speed Screening while supplies last!
  • We are giving away a couple of tickets to Big Data TechCon 14 ($1,495 Value!) Simply tweet “Hey @BostonTweetUp I want free Tickets to #SPTechCon because… ” Let us know why you want free tickets. Most creative tweet wins!
  • Congrats to Pablo Gil ?aka @pablogil & Alexander Nenopoulos ?aka @NenopAlex this weeks winners of the Big Data TechCon tickets!
  • If your company needs training and/or assistance with your events I relaunched LITBeL Consulting (the parent company to BostonTweetUp). LITBeL stands for Life Is To Be Lived ie Do What you Do Best and Outsource the Rest. We provide 3 Services 1. Custom New Media Training, 2 New Media Consulting/Coaching or 3. New Media Event Planning and Promoting.
  • If you want a particular networking event ie fashion, music, sports, social media, etc just reply to this email and let us know!

Have a great week.


Joselin Mane

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