BostonTweetUp Weekly : A 20+ Event Week!

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

Que Pasa

How are you doing?

This is going to be an amazing week of events! So with over 20 events, if you don’t see an event you like, I definitely recommend visiting our calendar for a more complete listing of events.

NEWS: We are working on customizing this events newsletter for you, so that you get informed of events you are most interested it. So please look out for some emails with more info. In the meantime, please update your subscription preferences with you at least your first name.

UPDATE: To make it easier for you to view the events on this newsletter via mobile, I moved the sidebar to the right so that you can see the event info before the sidebar info.

UPCOMING: In the new year, we are putting together a Taste and Tweet event. It is a combination of a wine/Beer tasting and twitter workshop. Simply respond to this email if you are interested. I am currently waiting to hear back from some co-hosts. If you want to co-host, please just reply to this email.

Have a great week.

Joselin Mane

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