BostonTweetUp Weekly: Events & Movie Screening Passes But No April Fools


Weekly BostonTweetUp Newsletter

Mar 19 – 25 2018

Que Pasa *|FNAME|*

How was your weekend? Another week another series of great events as well as some more movie screening passes!

This week we are giving away passes to Blockers Boston screening so if you want passes for the Tuesday April 3rd 7pm simply click here for tickets.

As always, If there is anything we can do to help you and/or make your life easier this year please simply to this email and let us know. know.

One easy way that we can help you is to let us know your event preferences! If you haven’t already, please update your subscription preferences with at least your first name so we can customize the events you see in this newsletter.

As usual, if you don’t see an event that interests you there’s generally many more events listed on our calendar or you can simply subscribe to the types of events that meet your needs.

How can we best improve BostonTweetUp for you in 2018?

Have a great week!


Have a great week!

Joselin Mane

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